New name, new start

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The past year i have been thinking a lot about a new name, and finally decided to do it. I think that it would be a great way to let go of my horrible relatives and star anew.

I've grown attached to "Phoenix" for now. Because it's an odd name, just as i am odd and unique. And like the bird, I have almost grown out of the ashes of myself - so to speak. My boyfriend has a somewht odd name and it doesn't phase him one bit.

Any name thoughts (for girls!)? And if so then why those ones?
A new first name or last name?

I think that If I were to change my first name, I would go with something androgynous like Jamie or Alex.
I've changed my last name 4 times and soon it will be 5. I've considered changing my first name too because I've tired of people mispronouncing and mispelling it. It might be nice to have a name that didn't have to be said repeatedly or spelled out.
Is this something you can see your self happy with at the age of sixty?
Is this a name that people will take you seriously with?
Is this a name that could possibly inhibit you professionally or socially?
Is your name what defines you?

Its really up to you. As you can see I have a very common plain name. I am far from common or plain. I share my name with thousands of other girls. My name is not what defines who I am. I do. I'm biased.

I have alot of friends who gone from one side of the name extreme to the other. Friends like Tim who is now Oberon or Sunshine who is now Jessica. Oberon is a cazy old faire hippie who breeds unicorns for the Ringling bros and writes books. His name describes him as a person and its like his persona is made by his name. You know ahead of time he's a crazy fantasy faire hippy and that is what you get.. no surprises there.

But Jessica hated having a name that everyone judged her by. She could never picture herself as CEO Sunshine, Mrs. Sunshine Blahblahbalah, Grandma Sunshine... Fearsome Pirate Queen Sunshine. She was not a character and she couldn't take herself seriously so how could she ask others too. Her brother Dune is ok with his name though.

But its not like getting a tattoo, its easy to change again...:thumbsup: