new mom problems!

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New member
Aug 28, 2013
I am a fairly new mom to my adorable Baby Stella who is almost 8 months old. Today I accidentally left a cotton pad on my bed, like the ones used to take off make up or finger nail polish but with nothing on it. She chewed off about a finger nail sized amount and I'm assuming she ate it. Has anyone experienced this before? Do you think she'll be able to pass it okay?
She will most likely be fine. Keep an eye on her and make sure she is acting normally, but she should do okay.
I agree with keeping a close eye on her. Watch her water intake and food intake and make sure she's eating/drinking/pooping normally :) We've all experienced little oops moments when a chin is out for a play and gets into something he or she shouldn't. We learn from it and move forward (hopefully with no one the worse for wear!) learning that chins can and will get anything and that it is extremely important to only let your chin out to play in a completely chin-proofed area.
I agree with the posts above! I had one that got ahold of the curtains and pulled in into the cage! Just watch the poo to be sure it is coming out as often as we know it does!