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New member
Feb 8, 2012
Hi all, im new to all this so please be patient with me.I bought 2 chins at the end of December.I was told that they were both female,so i named them millie and mollie.I soon noticed that millie was making movements whilst on top of mollie.Have i now got a male & female,not a millie & molly.LOL.
Welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place! Have you actually checked the genitals to see if they are male and female? You may have seen dominance humping, but you wont know until you check. If you do a search you'll find several threads on chinchilla anatomy.
where did you buy your chins? If from a petstore, they could totally be wrong about the sexes of the chins. A breeder should accurately know the sex of each chin. But definitely check to be sure.
Hey welcome. Hope you and your girl(s?) get some good info. =)
where did you buy your chins? If from a petstore, they could totally be wrong about the sexes of the chins. A breeder should accurately know the sex of each chin. But definitely check to be sure.

I agree my pets store couldnt tell me the sex of the glad I got her home from there lol...

I posted pics here the members helped me out if you cant tell too

If I were you, I'd separate right now just to be on the safe side.