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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hi all! I'm new to this forum (sooo excited to have found it!) and new to hedghogs as well; last Saturday I became the proud owner of a little chocolate pinto hedgie that my boyfriend and I decided to call Annabelle. We got her from a wonderful breeder who obviously put a lot into socializing her - she hardly ever huffs, and loves to snuggle in my lap. She hasn't figured out that she's supposed to like mealworms yet, though! I wonder how long those things will be sitting in my fridge before she decides to enjoy them, if she ever does! ;) Here's a picture of her...


A little more about myself... I am a 20yo student in New York, majoring in English literature and minoring in French. This is my final year before moving onto grad school. Other than Annabelle, I own a Beagle with lots of "issues," haha, but he's a rescue, a cat who we adopted from Protectors of Animals in CT (where I am from), and a BLM mustang mare named Sally, who is the original love of my life. ;)

Well, that's it. I'm very happy to have found this community!

Welcome to the forum Jennifer...lots of great information here. Annabelle is a cutie pie, I just love chocolates (hedgies, chins and the regular kind). :thumbsup:

It's always nice to meet more hedgie peeps!
Hi and welcome! Your hedgie is so cute...I really want one! I don't blame her for not liking mealworms, though - ick! :) We're happy to have another animal lover here!
Aw, I love hedgie pics and Annabelle is so cute in that position. Welcome and congratulations on the addition to your family!
Welcome to the forum. I don't know anything about hedgies but I like peeking down to that part of the forum to look at the pictures. Your little one is so cute all rolled up in a ball. Congrats!