New guy on the block

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Sep 25, 2012
Hey everyone I'm Dustin, 24 year old engineer at Caterpillar. I have 1 6 year old chin (Midgy) and just got a baby one from pets mart a week ago. My gf works there and the 6 year old is actually her's. The cage that she was in was falling apart, big, but falling apart so I bought her a 2 story ferret nation. I found this website when looking at these cages in how people modified them. Very creative in deed. The real reason I'm here is I know the basic do's and don't of 1 chin. Now we have two, I got the baby (I call her that until I can name her), I don't know their behaviors at all. My Gf knows alot about them and saids just give them time. While today at work I kept them seperated baby on top half and Midgy on bottom half. Both are females. Reason I got the baby is to give Midgy someone to hang out with. We can't give her as much attention as we use to because of work and I'm back in school going after another degree. I'm uploading some videos now to make another post so the "experts" can give me their input. Midgy does not chase Baby until Baby starts to run. I think what is happening is Midgy thinks Baby is running (playing) but baby thinks this big chin is after to get her.
Hi and welcome!

One word to the wise. The baby should have been quarantined for 30 days before caging them together. Then after the quarantine you can slowly introduce them. I only have one chin and can't give you any help on how to introduce them, but others can help you with that. Sometimes chins will tolerate each other, some chins have to stay separated. Be sure, too, that both chins are definitely females are you will have problems down the road. ;)

Best of luck that they become best of friends and we're happy to have you here!
Hi and welcome!

One word to the wise. The baby should have been quarantined for 30 days before caging them together. Then after the quarantine you can slowly introduce them. I only have one chin and can't give you any help on how to introduce them, but others can help you with that. Sometimes chins will tolerate each other, some chins have to stay separated. Be sure, too, that both chins are definitely females are you will have problems down the road. ;)

Best of luck that they become best of friends and we're happy to have you here!


Luckly for us Petsmart (her store atleast) does quarantine them for 30 days when they get news one in. Since she is the manger and from her store, not too worried. They are getting along better it seems now.
Welcome, Dustin. Also, be careful with the 1 inch bar spacing on the FN, because the babies can slip through pretty easily. I watch my 5 1/2 week old slip through the smallest of places. :) Naming is also super fun, like my baby is Eevee. Nerd alert.
Welcome, Im glad you have joined us! I had a pair of boys that were bonded and after a long time, things went bad. Now my 3 boys live seperately because I'm too chicken now when it comes to pairs. Best of luck with your girls though, I know lots of people have pairs that do great!