My boyfriend decided to get me a Gecko I had seen, and fell in love with. I had been researching it since I first saw it at the store. He bought himself a new one, and got me this one. His is a Giant Day Gecko, and mine is a Tokay Gecko. My question is humidity, I can't get the humidity over 60% with the temp correct. The temp is at 85, with a 40 wat bulb 4" over the terrarium. I tried spraying a lot (every 5 min or so for an hour, hit 50%), I poured water in the botton with the bedding, and it went up to 60. Was thinking of turning half the bottom into water only, and am going to add moss and maybe live plants. Anything else I can do to up humidity?
Here are pics of his (no name yet)
And mine, Misty. I know, only one, I should do better, but for some reason, she apsolutely hates my cellphone. If I put it near the cage, she tries to attack / bite through the glass, So I will wait till she settles more for more pics. Yes not to good a pic.
Here are pics of his (no name yet)
And mine, Misty. I know, only one, I should do better, but for some reason, she apsolutely hates my cellphone. If I put it near the cage, she tries to attack / bite through the glass, So I will wait till she settles more for more pics. Yes not to good a pic.