New FN142 cage, now what?

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I just purchased my first chinchilla cage (haven't baught my chinchilla yet becausei want to make sure everythings ready for him/her) and I'm not exactly sure of thing I need to buy or make for it. I'm going to buy some wood this week and start making some ledges for the cage but other than that, I'm not sure about what to get. Any pointers will help me out and be very much appreciated. Also any pointers about the ledges too would be awesome, thanks!!
Food, hay, water bottle, a filtration device for the water, maybe a hammock and a fleece tube. You could also get some hanging wood toys for the chin(s) to chew on and maybe some rosehips, cheerios, or shredded wheat for treats.
I just bought one too, so I'm in the same boat as you!! I'd definitely start by checking out the FN Club thread here:

And here's a good tutorial for making your own wooden shelves:
I don't use wing nuts, I just screw normal bolts (not double sided) all the way in. Just make sure the holes on the washers aren't bigger than the head on the bolt.

I also definitely recommend a fleece hammock and tube!!!
I got my tube from Tiffany here:
and my hammock from Carise here:
Lots of other people sell them too so you can shop around for different patterns/prices

What are you planning on used on the bottom of the cages? Most people here get deep metal pans for shavings or make/buy fleece liners with a small litter pan.
I'm planning on taking the middle pan out and getting rid of both the shelves and for the bottom putting one of those metal pans from bassequipment in it. I'm also getting my grandma to make me a couple fleece liners too so I can save money rather than buying bedding. That's my plan. I just want to make sure I make enough ledges and what not for him to play on and so that he has enough room to stretch out too. Any ideas about the different sizes of Ledges I should make?
Another great accessory in a chin cage is a hidey house. And perhaps also a marble tile for them to cool down on if it gets a little warm.

You have some other great suggestions.
I made my own ledges too (well, I guess my dad did, because he has access to a big saw at work). Make sure to buy untreated wood. I cut mine to the size I wanted, then used a big saw (band saw maybe?? I dunno) to round the corners. I didn't sand down the edges and the chinchillas seem to have chewed them down to be beveled anyway. :) Then I put in two double threaded screw (both ends look alike) on the side without the rounded corners, got an appropriately sized washer and wing nut for each, and voila!

I bought a hay box from Carise (linked a couple posts above) and I really like it. I added a top to it because they liked to sit on top and poop.

I would go ahead and decide whether you want one chin or multiple. It's easier to buy them already paired up then worry about introductions. Most chinchillas I think really appreciate a friend, but there are loner chins that do just fine.
there's a DIY thread on how to make your own cage accessories if you're feeling up to the task. i got my dens, tunnels & hammocks from fuzzies kingdom, they also have treats that are organic if that's your thing. good luck & welcome to the FN club!
An exercise wheel would be nice. Nothing from the pet shop though b/c they're all garbage or dangerous for chins. A lot of people have purchased good quality metal wheels online. They're definitely more expensive than the ones at the pet shop but there's no comparison for quality and safety.
Do you know of any sites where I can purchase one of these? And which would be better, one that actually is a wheel, or the others that I have seen that look like dishes turned sideways just a little? thanks