New chins and changed behavior

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New member
Dec 6, 2012
Peoria, IL
We had one male chin for about 6 months and he seemed lonely so we ended up w/two more, a male and female (fixed) that had been raised together so didn't want to split them up. Anyway, we kept them in separate cages next to each other for a few days and everything was fine so put them together and was still good. That was back in May. Everything stayed fine for a few months until a couple weeks ago, our original male started getting aggressive towards the female. Chasing her around the room when they're out (we split the cages back up of course), nipping at her. It seems to be getting a little better but if she is out and starts chittering then he goes straight after her. Can she be in heat even though she's fixed? Or does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? The other male doesn't bother anyone.

Thank You
Do not put 2 males with a female even if she is "fixed". They will fight and could kill each other. It sounds as though you have separated them which is good.
However the female should be separated from the male she is currently housed with because they are not getting along. Chins who have been together for years sometimes turn on each other and can not live in the same cage ever again. Please separate the male and female as soon as possible. The next disagreement they have could end in severe injuries or death.
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If I misread your post and the offending male is not housed with the female then you don't need to do anything with cages. Just don't let the female and offending male out together for play time. They should never have access to each other. Hope this helps.

I wouldn't put two males with a female even if both the males were fixed. Fixing a male chinchilla does so little for hormonal urges of males.

What vet in Peoria did you use to have your female altered? I remember when I lived there that there was only maybe one or two that could handle a neuter/hysterectomy. Did you go to All Pets?
Yes, they are separated it's just play time that they have issues now. We don't let them out at the same time anymore but they were great together for 5 months so I'm just curious as to what may have caused it. The seller said she was so I guess I'm not 100% and should visit a vet. Also, AZChins, I'm in Peoria, IL, not AZ, I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not. If you meant Peoria, IL I'd appreciate any recommendations. Thanks everyone for the input.