I was courious to no if anyone else had seen this from their chins.
Iv had varing amounts of chins for about 4-5 years. Starting with one male, adding a female, and now 3 kits leave me at 5 chins. And yesterday i saw something from one of the kits (now 3-4 months old) that i hadnt seen from any of my other chins.
Its rare that i see my chins laying on their side. Once in a while they do, but they generaly are always standing noramal when they sleep. They also have a large hut in each cage. The full size of a FN shelf.
I looked in yesterday an noticed my one kit in an odd position. He was half way between laying on his side, and completly laying on his back. Like a 45 degree angle. Useing the edge of the hut to keep him up that way. I had never seen a chin laying that way before. I went to check on her, and she seemed fine. She wasnt happy about having been woken up however.
I was wondering if anyone else seen their chin liek that before. Because after all this time, i never have.
Iv had varing amounts of chins for about 4-5 years. Starting with one male, adding a female, and now 3 kits leave me at 5 chins. And yesterday i saw something from one of the kits (now 3-4 months old) that i hadnt seen from any of my other chins.
Its rare that i see my chins laying on their side. Once in a while they do, but they generaly are always standing noramal when they sleep. They also have a large hut in each cage. The full size of a FN shelf.
I looked in yesterday an noticed my one kit in an odd position. He was half way between laying on his side, and completly laying on his back. Like a 45 degree angle. Useing the edge of the hut to keep him up that way. I had never seen a chin laying that way before. I went to check on her, and she seemed fine. She wasnt happy about having been woken up however.
I was wondering if anyone else seen their chin liek that before. Because after all this time, i never have.