Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and also to chinchillas, although i've owned many other small animals in the past. Well, this past wednesday was when I got my Davy. He is a pink white chinchilla boy, about one and a half years old. He only has one eye due to an accident when he was a baby trying to escape his cage. He was born in a home and handled since a young age because of that, and has been housed with his mom and another male chin. I think he is depressed right now because he no longer sees his owner or friends. I went to see him a few days before getting him and I fell in love because he was so friendly, and he even perched right up on his owners shoulder in a jacket hood. I thought he was a sweet chin, but he bites me a lot. I do admit i've made mistakes because I've rushed into petting him, holding him, and letting him run around the house. He barked at me a few times the other day, but other than that he's just always huddled up in his cage, seemingly unresponsive. I can stick my hand or a treat or food in front of his face, pet him, even lift up his paws and rub his tummy, and pick him up but as soon as he's up he squirms and bites. But I think it's weird how unresponsive he is :/
I really don't know what to do. I included some pictures.
I really don't know what to do. I included some pictures.