New Chinchilla Behavior

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Hello! I recently adopted a male chinchilla from a local rescue. I was told he is a healthy male, age 3. Since I've had him he seems to be panting and breathing heavily with some noise. I have heard before that this can be a sign of stress or illness. I'm curious if anyone else has seen these symptoms in newly adopted chinchillas. It's going to be a holiday weekend and I'm not able to get him in to the vet until next week (I can't find an emergency vet that will treat exotics). Should I be concerned or just give him time to adjust? Also, this is not my first chinchilla and I have never seen these symptoms before. Thanks!!!
My first check would be the temp. in your house. Since you've had chins before, I'm sure you already know to keep it cool (you can see other threads on the forum w/ more details).
Is he eating/drinking well?
I'd have him checked before the holiday weekend just to play it safe.
In no way should a chinchilla breathing be heard, rescue or not. This could be a sign of a respiratory problem. Listen to his chest. Is there also weird sounds like popping or gurgling? Any signs of nasal discharge? Respiratory problems go downhill fast, so I would take him to a vet asap. There are still a few days left before the holiday weekend.
Breathing hard is a need a vet now type situation He may not make it through the weekend. Respiratory issues require imediate attention
I would not wait to see if this gets better, chins with URI's can go down hill fast and what you are describing is not normal, even with a stressed chin.