New Chinchilla Barking

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Mar 17, 2012
glassboro and ridgefield NJ
Hello, my name is Christine and I just got a 3 month old chinchilla today around 1:30pm. It is not 9:14pm. Up until about 3 hours ago he was friendly and would sit with us. He fell asleep in his cage and after he woke up, he started making this noise:

He also follow through with this with sometimes, but not always, charging at the cage and doing this soft growling noise. He doesn't try to bite.

I am not sure what to do. He will act normal, then do this sometimes. Any clue as to what is going on?
Ours did that when she came home. First week or so lots of barking, now just barking in her sleep.

He's probably a little afraid of his new environment, give him time.
He's in a new home all by himself. That's usually their scared or upset sounds. I wouldn't worry bout him as long as he is eating and drinking well. Most chins do that in a new home for a while till they settle in.
Whenever he does this, if we put our hands in (my boyfriend or I) then he will come over to us and be fine. The first time this happened he used my arm as a "bridge" and came out and snuggled with me and was being completely friendly.

We left about an hour ago to go to the store to see if we could find him any toys. When we came back, my boyfriend's brother said he had been barking again. But now he won't come to me. Is this his way of "complaining" that he's nervous about his new home?