New Chin...

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May 28, 2011
So I just got a new chin (3 months old)... :D and when I put my hand in her cage... she climbs onto my hand and she starts to nibble my fingers, palm, wrist etc. Is this normal?? It doesn't hurt though... My first chin didn't nibble as much...
As long as it doesn't hurt, sure. She's just grooming you. She's young and probably missing mom and/or litter mates, so she's chosen to groom you instead. If she starts to get too bitey or starts to hurt, then I'd worry about it more.
Chins groom each other by nibbling lightly (or sometimes more than lightly) on their fur. I have one that MUST groom me nightly or he gets very upset. As long as it doesn't hurt and she doesn't start overgrooming herself, I'd say enjoy the love. :)