I stumbled across this forum researching chins online and just had to join
I am a 23 years old Australian living in Sweden and I just adopted my first two chins last week, a six year old boy named Silver and a six month old boy named Dragon. Both boys seem to be settling in well and happily leave their cage for exercise time in their room, Silver even comes up to sit on my lap whilst Dragon is much more skittish at the moment and only comes near me when he thinks there is food involved. Me and my boyfriend love watching them out and running about their room, they are so full of energy and joy it´s only taken a week for me to fall madly, hopelessly in love with my guys!
I´m really looking forward to learning more about chins here, I am especially interested in people´s experience with `talking chin`since I would love to communicate with them on their own level.
I stumbled across this forum researching chins online and just had to join
I am a 23 years old Australian living in Sweden and I just adopted my first two chins last week, a six year old boy named Silver and a six month old boy named Dragon. Both boys seem to be settling in well and happily leave their cage for exercise time in their room, Silver even comes up to sit on my lap whilst Dragon is much more skittish at the moment and only comes near me when he thinks there is food involved. Me and my boyfriend love watching them out and running about their room, they are so full of energy and joy it´s only taken a week for me to fall madly, hopelessly in love with my guys!
I´m really looking forward to learning more about chins here, I am especially interested in people´s experience with `talking chin`since I would love to communicate with them on their own level.