New chin owner few question?

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Dec 17, 2011
I just got my new chin at Petco a couple days a go I named him Deiago and he is a doll I LOVE him. He is very hyper which I love and he is getting better about letting me pick him up and everything he has never tried to bite me but he doesnt like any treats I give him? Or he wont eat them? What kind of treats does every chin love? Also what is a good way to pick them up from inside their cage?
What treats are you trying to give him? Usually pet stores tell you the wrong treats to give :-/. Unfortunately there's no universal chin treat. Each chin has there own likes and dislikes. Rosehips are a favorite among them though, I would try and get some crushed ones because some chins don't like the whole ones. You can try a plain NO SUGAR shredded wheat, a plain cheerio. My boys think hay cubes are treats. Most chins also think a new stick to chew is a treat too, and that's the safest to give :)
Just remember, NO FRUIT. The sugar content is too high. No nuts either, their too fatty. Every treat should be given in moderation, one a day is pushing it. (Except hay cubes and wood)
As for getting them out, let them come out on their own. If he's under 6 months he shouldn't come out for play time to my understanding, they burn too many calories they need to grow! If you've only had him a few days it's best to let him settle about a week or two before picking him up and letting him out. Put your hand in the cage, let him get used to you. Palm up is best, so he can sit in your hand. Sit by his cage and talk to him often too. I've had Jasper over a month and he's still not 100% settled in, whereas Woodrow was good after 2 weeks. Each chin is different. Hope all this helps! Congrats on your new boy, can't wait to see pictures!
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I am not the biggest expert here, but what kind of treats are you giving him. You should just rely on some good pellets, plenty of hay, and fresh water, that will be there main diet. Treat you want to give sparingly if any. Do not give any fruits or nuts as this is bad for them since they can not process sugar very well. A unsweetened cheerio here and there is what I give mine. Make sure that you do give him plenty of things to chew one, there are a variety of little wood treats that they can chew, and try to avoid anything plastic in your cage. Hope this helps....
If you're giving them any treats from the petco, you might as well return it (yes you can return opened items at petco, just tell them your pet doesn't like it or if it's a cage item just say it's not the right one). Treats I give are: rose hip, rose bud, plain cheerios, chin cookies (members on here makes them), rolled oats (quaker traditional slow cook), groat oats, dandelions, supplements (some members have them for sale here too), wood twigs, ahh I know I have more in their room I just can't think of it right now lol.