Hi everyone !i came across this site when i was researching how to introduce a new chin to another chin.i just got my male standard from a friend of mine.he is 5 years old .my boys(7yr old twins) wanted to get him a friend.i first looked at a rescue but they wouldn't give to a family with small kids.then i was looking into breeders but the closest one was 3 hrs away from me that i was able to find.soooo... I got my new chin from the pet store . I introduced them on nutral grounds (i read that from a book i have) but the new chin wasnt into being friends .it was then that i found this site and then put them in different cages side by side . I took them out together 4xs now but she(the new chin )goes after him.will there be any hope for them to get along?i have my boy chili for 3 months now and my girl for about 3 weeks .