New chin momma

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Apr 16, 2011
New york
Hi everyone !i came across this site when i was researching how to introduce a new chin to another chin.i just got my male standard from a friend of mine.he is 5 years old .my boys(7yr old twins) wanted to get him a friend.i first looked at a rescue but they wouldn't give to a family with small kids.then i was looking into breeders but the closest one was 3 hrs away from me that i was able to find.soooo... I got my new chin from the pet store . I introduced them on nutral grounds (i read that from a book i have) but the new chin wasnt into being friends .it was then that i found this site and then put them in different cages side by side . I took them out together 4xs now but she(the new chin )goes after him.will there be any hope for them to get along?i have my boy chili for 3 months now and my girl for about 3 weeks .
Do you plan to have babies? Because putting a male and a female together WILL result in offspring and pet store chins are not recommended to be bred because there is no health history on them.
That was my first plan ,but after reading all that can go wrong on here i would be afraid to.Before looking into this forum i haven't seen a warning on how a pet store chin could be worse than one from a breeder.This forum gives alot if info. that I didn't see in my book.What are some of the things a pet store chin may have?
Heart murmurs, malocclusion, fur chewing, just to name a few. How old is your female. If she is under 1 year old or small, she could have trouble with giving birth and you could lose her and the kits. As mentioned already, it is not wise to let pet store chins breed. These two should not be allowed to play together either. Breeding can literally take seconds and by the time you notice it, it will have already be done.