New chin mama

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May 26, 2011
hi everyone just had a couple questions this is my first chin and she is so sweet she is 15 months old i just got her a few days ago. The first night was hectic she was ...making all kinds a crazy sounds it was freaking me out.. she wouldnt let me touch her. Im guessing that is because she needs to get use to her new environment... today was better she has been letting me pet her and when i stop she makes this really cute sound... but she still wont let me pick her up... should i just wait until she feels ready?? I dont wanna push her or make her feel like she cant trust me... any suggustions or advice anyone could give me.. :):) thanks so much
Don't try and pick her up yet. Give her some more time to settle in, this is scary for her! Keep letting her get used to you. :)) And also, she may never like to be picked up. Most chins don't.
Welcome. It's best if you don't handle your new chin for at least a week or two to allow her to get used to her new home. It is not abnormal at all for her to be skittish and make barking noises at you and actually call out with distress sounds while she is getting used to you. When trying to get your chinchilla to bond with you it's very important you have patience. Spend time next to her cage talking to her softly. After a couple of weeks start by putting your hand in the cage and have her get used to your hand and seeing your hand in the cage. At 15 months she is old enough for good healthy treats, plain unshredded wheat, a plain cheerio, dried rosehips crushed or whole. It's best not to give treats through the cage bars as she will always think of fingers through the bars as treats and nibble.

Take some time to read over all the new owner threads, I'm sure a lot of your questions will be answered there.