New Chin has sort of Bald Spot- PLEASE HELP!

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New member
Oct 9, 2012
I am in DIRE need of some advice here, some one please help me!

I have had a chinchilla for about a year now, she is about three years old. Never had any health problems with her at all.

I've been working a lot lately, and when I stopped at the store to get her some food, there was another chinchilla there up for adoption. Of course I bought the poor dear she was in a tiny cage with too many other ones :( and I had already been thinking that my girl needed a friend.

The thing is, she has this patch of short fur around her hind quarters. There is no rash, no bite marks, nothing like that. The people who had her knew NOTHING about what it could be. And, like an idiot, I didn't look her over very well before I introduced her to my chin. Should i be afraid that she is sick and has possibly spread something to my chin?

ALSO I was entirely unprepared for the introduction. I purchased her at about 8 tonight, and the man who sold her to me told me I could just drop her in the cage with the chin I already have and everything would be dandy. LIES. They started a fight. So i seperated them and put the new one in a cat cage for the night. I hate to have to do this but they were really going at it. Is there any advice out there that anyone could give me about how to go about making them like each other? Anything would be helpful I really don't want to have to give the poor sweetie up. She looks like she has had a hard life as it is :(

Please help!
You really should have quarrantined the new chin for 30 days before even having her in the same room with your chin. Now that you've already put them together, that's is a moot point, but something to note for the future. Missing fur can be multiple things. She should be looked at by a vet. Maybe it's fur slip from being handled, or maybe she chewed it, or maybe it's fungal.

You'll need to buy another cage to keep her in. Chins can fight and kill each other, and it may take a long time before they can be caged together, if ever. Be prepared to keep two separate cages if it doesn't work out. Sorry you were mislead about introductions. There is a lot of good information in the FAQs for questions you may have in the future.
So sorry that once again pet store people told others lies or, at the least, VERY misinformed information. One NEVER, NEVER should just put 2 chins together unless, maybe, if they are babies. Look at the FAQ on chin introduction information. I suspect the missing fur is because the poor chin is so stressed out she is chewing her fur. She might stop that once she settles in or she might not. Fur chewing will not harm the chin so don't worry about that.
As stated you will need to buy another cage for the second chin. Let the new chin settle in then try introducing them. Keep in mind they may never get along and will need to live in 2 separate cages. It does sound like fur chewing but it could be a fur slip growing back in. Are you able to post a picture?