well if they are already together then i guess its a bit late for general quarantine. I would suggest keeping a close eye on them. Interactions between them will be a little bit different then the interactions of a chin and you. They will explore and get to know each other. Touching, sniffing, mounting (showing dominance) etc.
You will want to make sure they are not being aggressive towards each other. If they are then they will need to be separated immediately. If they are seeming to get along and cuddling up with each other then that's a good start. Just remember that even bonded pairs can one day turn on each other, and have to be separated. So even if this pairing goes well, and i sure hope it does, you should always pay attention to the interactions between them just in case.
One additional thing. Learn how to identify chin sexes and check them both and be sure they are both the same. They are pretty easy to mistake which often leads to surprises. And take it from me, a finding that surprise under a refrigerator one random day (not knowing he was born) is not a surprise you want lol. Its a very good thing to make sure for yourself.