New cage! Safe for momma and kits?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011

The cage I ordered from quality cages came today, the baby safe version of the chinchilla Townhome. Everyone seemed to love having more than double the room than their old cage. Then they started climbing. The babies were climbing up to eight inches up the walls and jumping down. Mira was climbing to the very top and jumping down. Is this safe? I didn't add any shelves, and didn't think Chinchillas could climb that high! I don't want anyone getting hurt, but the old cage was way to small for Mira and two week old kits. Nothing is on top of the cage right now, it was only there when setting up the cage.
Use the shelves that came with it to block off the upper part of the cage, by putting them all on the same level. If they don't totally block it off, you can lay a board across the shelves.

I tried blocking off the top with the shelves I had. Within two mins Mira had already jumped up on them :/ I only have the shelves that came with the cage.
get a few more shelves the same length as the longest one in the pic, and put them across the same way, covering the whole space. add a hanger bolt to each end of them to secure them to the cage - don't want momma bumping a board out the way and hanging out away from her kits.

I forgot I just bought boards today for Moshi's cage. They lay across the gap. They are 23 inches though. The cage width is 30 inches. They overlap the other shelves by several inches and seem secure.

Could I weigh them down with something?

Outsmarted by a chinchilla...:p

The cage I ordered from quality cages came today, the baby safe version of the chinchilla Townhome. Everyone seemed to love having more than double the room than their old cage. Then they started climbing. The babies were climbing up to eight inches up the walls and jumping down. Mira was climbing to the very top and jumping down. Is this safe? I didn't add any shelves, and didn't think Chinchillas could climb that high! I don't want anyone getting hurt, but the old cage was way to small for Mira and two week old kits. Nothing is on top of the cage right now, it was only there when setting up the cage.

This is totally off topic, sorry, but wow---your cage is almost identical to our rat cage. What's extra odd is ours was handmade...but the door is in the same place and everything. :clap1: