New cage bottoms

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
I have the double unit critter nation for my chins. The bottom that is comes with doesnt really have sides , so bedding flies EVERYWHERE! I spilt the cage in half, blocking off the entrance to the top and bottom, so I have to cages since I have my new chin that can't be with the others because hes a boy. I just wanted to know if there was any bottom that has higher sides to it that they sell? I just want two of the bottom ones. thank you!
There are a lot of options for the bottom of your cage. StevieP mentioned one of the more popular solutions which would be fleece liners. The chinchilla with use it as a bathroom, but the only downfall I find is that there is a higher chance for a slight smell to show up.

I use a glass baking dish with wood shavings in it and Neve does not kick to much out, and go crazy.

StevieP also recommended the higher edged bass pans which is another good choice.

One other option is to tile the bottom of your cage.