Neutering vs separation

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Well-known member
May 27, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
So I did the dumbest thing and now trying to fix it. I introduced male and female chins along with housing them together. :banghead: This went on for about a 1 1/2 month. There was no fighting nor was any chins hurt in the process, but that was a pretty dumb move of me. Now I put them back in separated cages.
If i can get some opinions between neutering they boys and let them go back in the female's cage or stay separated that would be great.

If anyone has neutered their boys before PLEASE share your experience during and after the procedure. Were you able to successfully introduce them back to other chins after he healed?

For those who have male and female chins in the same room (not neutered or spayed) along with separate cages, how does that work for you?

I would greatly appreciate all advise and suggestions on this.
I have tons of unaltered males and females in the same room with no problem.

If you want to keep them together, and you have a good vet, then I would consider castration. If they get along now, most likely they'll get along after the surgery.
I have had about 5 chins that have been neutered they did well after surgery. Some think they can mate others just don't do anything. The only thing I can recommend you must have a good vet.

I also have males that aren't fixed in the same room with the females. I have 2 unaltered males next to some females but I have a piece of cardboard between the cages.
I have tons of unaltered males and females in the same room with no problem.

If you want to keep them together, and you have a good vet, then I would consider castration. If they get along now, most likely they'll get along after the surgery.

Thanks tunes, yes the get along very well now. After a long search I finally found the person I originally got my boys from and he is a vet too. He is willing to do the procedure for me at the hospital. So being that he is also a breeder and a vet, I'll go with him vs the other vets. In hopes that he will be extra kinda and gentle since they were once his chins :thumbsup: Still debating on what to do. For now I'm picking up a second FN 142 tomorrow.
I have had about 5 chins that have been neutered they did well after surgery. Some think they can mate others just don't do anything. The only thing I can recommend you must have a good vet.

I also have males that aren't fixed in the same room with the females. I have 2 unaltered males next to some females but I have a piece of cardboard between the cages.

Nope no intentions on mating or breeding, just made one of those aww cute they like each other mistakes so trying to fix it before it gets worst. I'm still worried that one of my girls may be prego :cry3: Crossing my fingers they are not, however back up plan is already in place and keeping those kits (will SEPARATE male & female kits when they are old enough).
How does your unaltered males react to the females in heat? Do the male fight each other attempting to get to the females? When my boys get the sniffles and follow the girls I quickly put the separator up between them. That only happened twice though. My boys never fought though, but I can't say that may not happen.
I have 3 chins I got off Craiglist, Mom was 2, son was 1, and a 2 month old sister at the time. I debated a long time on what to do, neuter/get him a male companion and hope they bonded or end up with 3 seperate cages. I read so many posts about neutering and bonding males together. I finally decided to have him neutered, he did have issues eating and pooping and had to be forced fed for a few days[thanks to all the information here I knew what to look for and how to feed].
Now the 3 of them live together and seem very happy. I was prepared to keep him seperate if neccessary but I am so pleased that it worked out the way it did.
I've had only one chin neutered. He was from my very first pair of chins several years ago. I "thought" I had bought 2 males and they got along beautifully, always sleeping together in their hidey house until one gave birth. I found the adult male chin hiding behind the wheel and figured she tried to attack him after she had the baby. I took him out of the cage immediately and after a couple of days got him neutered thinking she would calm down and I could have 1 nice happy family of chins. Their cages were very near each other in the same room and I tried putting them back together a few times after a couple of months but she had the same "attack" "kill" mode that she had with him after she gave birth. In my experience, she did not accept him back but it doesn't mean it was from neutering him either, she did not want anything to do with him since the second she had the one kit.
Did you have both the boys in the cage together with the two females? Even if you have them neutered, I wouldn't try to put all the chins together in the same cage, it's just too risky. The males could easily still end up fighting over the females.

So in this case I'd just have a cage with boys, and a cage with girls, not get them neutered.
How does your unaltered males react to the females in heat? Do the male fight each other attempting to get to the females? When my boys get the sniffles and follow the girls I quickly put the separator up between them. That only happened twice though. My boys never fought though, but I can't say that may not happen.[/QUOTE]

They just cuddle up to each other so far like buddies. They have fought yet and they have been there for 2 or 3 years. I guess since the card board is thick they can't smell them.
Did you have both the boys in the cage together with the two females? Even if you have them neutered, I wouldn't try to put all the chins together in the same cage, it's just too risky. The males could easily still end up fighting over the females.

So in this case I'd just have a cage with boys, and a cage with girls, not get them neutered.[/QUOTE

They were i a cage together, never once fought. I've noticed only Chubs was the only boy that was interested when the girls are in heat, Squirt really wasn't interested (this boy of mine is got a odd personality overall). To be blunt, I was amazed how fast and easily all of them got along. I checked on them every hour on the hour when I'm home and no signs them hurting each other.
Now even neutered the boys will still want to mate? (i know kinda dumb question, but just incase)
well ill give my nice long story here. Ill try to keep it to the relavent parts to your concerns lol.

I to started with a single male chin. And after a while want to get him a paly mate cause he seemed so lonley. I took in a female chin, And after the whole introduction period, they got along fine, and started living together.

Still being somewhat newer to chins, and deffenitly new to the male/female aspacts of chins, this probably wasnt the smartest move. I watched them closly, and they got along fine, but if chico even made an attempt to hope on her, she would chase him off in a heart beat. After a few months i didnt worry about it to much. And that when she got pregnet.

Unfortionitly i didnt no, because she never showed a single sign of being pregnet. As a result of that and my then ignorence, i was not prepared for a baby, i was not even away when he was born. (I never once saw him in the cage to no) She showed no signs of being pregent or giving birth soon, so i wasnt checking often. It almost cost my babys life.

Fourtionitly he survived after getting out of the cage before i new he was alive. He was found living under my refridgerator. I have no idea how long. **** near went into full shock when i found him. I still shudder when i think about it now.


All that being said should be more then enough to get the point across to be prepared for a kit since they were together. Id keep track of her 111 form they day they were put together, and from they day they were seperated. Givie some leyway on time since its not always exact.

And ofcourse since i didnt no about the kit till a few days after it was born, she was already pregnet again by the time i found out.

So now i have mommy and two daughters living in one cage. And father and son living in a seperate cage. Both cages right next to each other. My father chin, Chico, will go absolutly nuts if he sees his women and cant get to her. He still wants at her bad, but he cant, and it drives him crazy. So much to the point where he will start having seizures. I cant even let the mom out to run with the guys in their cage because they can see here. I have to put them in a small animal carrier and tkae them out of the room.

Note: chico has a heart murmur and seems prone to seazures when he gets to worked
up. So its not jsut this thats the cause

The idea of 'Outta sight, outa mind' is the only thing that gives chico some peace. Both cages are only a few inches from each other, but the girls have a slab of cardbored attached to the out side of their cage. This prevents the male and femlae form seeing each other.

For the most part that works fine. Their still aware the other chins are their because hte can hear/smell them. But it keep him calm enough for having medical problems. Every once in a while tho, chico will get a bit worked up and start chewing the bars in the direction of her cage, and make some noise as well.

The two males still get along jsut fine. Iv never had a problem with them. The females are still getting along fine with each other as well. Tho the females are a bit younger.


So can they get along together, yes. Can they get along seperated, yes. However the idea of nuetering my males scares the **** outa me. And something i wont attempt. (even more with chicos heart problems)
Already put the boys in the fn I just picked up today. They were so happy to get out of their old cage. Day 3 of separation: Boys poop were a bit smooshy for 2 days, but now it's looking better. Besides a lot of whining noises coming from both cages they're still eating and drinking like usual.
One thing I did notice is that all 4 chins are hanging out and sleeping on the side of the cage that faces each other. So lets see how they do. If everything goes smooth, I'm just going to keep them separated. I'm kinda sad about it, but at lease the 2 sisters have each other and the 2 brothers have each other. This is the best for them.
Godofgods, I'm freaked out about the neutering process too. That's why I've searched all over the metro for the right vet.
:hmm: My girls are little brats! I caught Tinker throwing food at the boys last night. She actually went back and forth between their food dish and then back to the side where the boys cage was and toss! Here the boys are barking. Don't know if I should crack up and laugh or be worried.
Well so far the chins are doing great with separated cages about 8 inches apart. I did pick up another fn142 over the weekend and of course new toys for that cage. So far it's been 7 days of separation and they seem to be doing fine. They can at least still chirp along side of each other hehehe. So I'm just going to keep them separated after speaking with the 3 vets that will do the neutering, it's just way too risky! My little Tinker is still throwing food at the boys cage, she's probably thinking they have no food lol.