neutered chinchilla?

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Love my babies
Dec 18, 2011
So i got my chins about 4 months ago from a lady that just didn't want them anymore.She said that she bought them from someone else.....anyways one is a boy one is a girl they live in the same cage and love echother :) she said that as far as she knew the boy wasn't fix.. How do i find out for sure if he was fixed?

thanks :)
that i can't say, b ut if youu find out he wasn't.. please dont' get him fixed, its far to dangerous to take a chance on knocking them out fo rsomething they don't need.
How old are they? Has the female ever been pregnant? If you do not know for sure, I would separate them or you will probably end up with kits.
Odds are he's not fixed. Its hard to find good vets and its not a cheep thing to do. Chins don't breed if they don't feel safe so even if they haven't had kits before doesn't mean they won't eventually. How old are they? How long have you hadthem? I would definetly seporate them and mark your calendar for 111 days just so you are sure the female isn't prego.
You could take him to a very chin-competent vet and ask them to examine him. I wouldn't trust just anyone to tell you, so many people (vets included) don't have a clue about chin anatomy. Having said that, most people don't routinely neuter chins because it's risky and expensive, so you should probably assume he is not neutered and separate him from the female.
I have had them for 4 months. I have no clue how old they are...I bought them off cl and the lady got them from someone?? Is there noway of telling?
There is no way to know for sure, but like others have said, he probably is NOT neutered. You need to separate them and mark 111 days from the time of separation. If she does not have kits before that time is up she wasn't pregnant. If you don't separate them, you can pretty much count on having kits sometime down the road.
that i can't say, b ut if youu find out he wasn't.. please dont' get him fixed, its far to dangerous to take a chance on knocking them out fo rsomething they don't need.

I've had and still have chins that are neutered and know many who were without a problem. I prefer to have a non-pedigreed male neutered to keep him with his female than to separate them. Personal opinion ;)
I had a chin that was fixed, his balls would never drop, you can put him on his back and press gently down on his abdomen and if he has testicles, they should descend into the scrotum.

Neutering a male is far less complicated than spaying a female. Its only dangerous if you have a vet who isn't experienced. And anesthesia is risky no matter what procedure you are having done.
I only neuter my chins if I absolutely have to. I have had pairs together for ages and instead of separating them, I neuter the male so I can avoid any future litters from an old couple, and they can still live together.

I am a vet tech and have had 3 males neutered at my clinic. they all did well. there are risks post op like abscesses, which I encountered with one male, but as long as you clean it out and put them on antibiotics, they turn out fine. Of course I am a little more experienced given my background, so I wouldn't recommend neutering any male if you are uncomfortable with taking care of them post op.
Well he isn't fixed...... Sassy had one little baby and man it's cute!!
You've taken the male out of the cage & put him in his own cage, right?
Otherwise he will try to mate with the female again & she can have a breedback in 111 days.