Needle to the eye

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I don't think I ever told this story, but I was thinking about it today. So, I had a pretty perfect wedding in Las Vegas last July, everything went great. I got to escape my family and their crazy filled, dramatic views and did things my way. It was awesome. Anyway, the last night we were there I woke up at 3am to a stabbing sharp pain in my eye and neck. I felt around and felt something very sharp, thinking it was a feather I grabbed it, but it felt funny. I turned on the light, and it was a needle!

I had a needle mark on my neck on in my eye! Upon further inspection this was a sewing machine needle, not a little needle you find in those travel sewing packs, so it had to be from the hotel. I was in shock. I went to the hospital and got antibiotic and numbing medication and filed a police report and stuff, but it is pretty scary dealing with the owners of the hotel, I swear they are run by the mob. I took pictures and stuff still in shock. We missed our flight because of the long wait in the ER, and then had to wait 30 hours for the next one. Obviously we found a new hotel! This was a pretty nice hotel too. Some hotel supply store is most likely to blame, but I don't have enough damages (says some lawyers in Vegas) to file suit. So, not even a needle in the eye on your honeymoon is enough for damages! Ha. Now every time I am in a hotel I bring my own pillows...
I'm surprised they didn't offer a cash settlement on the spot! Usually, they want NO bad press, whatsoever, to kill their reputation. I'm sure they comped the stay, didn't they?
Maybe get a lawyer to "threaten" a lawsuit, and see what their "nuisance" limit is!
Bet the needle is from the pillow manufacturer! Name them as a second party!
Wow! That ie truly frightening in my opinion. Thinking of the possible consequences to your eyes is so scary.
Wow! That ie truly frightening in my opinion. Thinking of the possible consequences to your eyes is so scary.

It really is scary. Just having pain in the eye and my vision being blurry for a few days really made me think about how horrible it would be to be blind. It reminds me of that nursery rhyme about if I lie I will wish a needle in my eye or something like that...aren't nursery rhymes violent?
I am very conscious about vision. I was on a cruise when the "black spiders" were in my visual path. Of course I knew it had to be retinal. I had to be sent home by emergency transport. It seems there is a small percentage of nearsighted people who have peripheral retinal thinning resulting in retinal tears. I have had massive amounts of laser to my retinas. My retinal specialist said that, although I was unfortunate to have this problem, I was lucky not to have lost vision in my left eye due to the extensive initial tear to the retina in my left eye. So I really empathize with what happened to you. I get my retinas checked every 3 months now.
Wow Shetland, you are very lucky. How horrible to be trapped on a cruise and have something like that happen, that is exactly why I am afraid to go on one. I bet you just panicked and they probably only had like an EMT onboard, or do they have to have a doctor?
omgomgomgomg... that totally gives me the heebiejeebies...

I'm so squeamish about eye things in the first place.

I hope there aren't any long-term health consequences from the incident.
They did have a doctor on board, but he was not ........ lets just say he pulled a text off of the shelf and started reading and I got rather nervous. I'm sure you understand the rest of that story!!! I teach nursing at a small university so I already knew what was happening. I was sent to a place in Mexico and told not to worry because I was American!!!!!!!!!!! What a bigoted thing to say and be. I saw a doctor in Mexico who was fabulous and told me I had to go home immediately. I had to lay with my head flat when not moving and move in a wheelchair when moving so the retinas would not detach. I was scared out of my mind to say the least. My vision was totally distorted with continuous giant moving black spiders. I just wanted to get home. My family called our family doctor from the ship and she had every detail arranged and the retinal specialist saw me almost as soon as I landed back at home and started laser. I still see floaters and the brilliant silver flashes on and off when the retinas are tugging too hard, so I'm always a bit scared you know. But you do know about being scared Chinnie chantel from your own melanoma experience. Fear is so hard. I did see you are doing well and I am so so thrilled to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!