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On Friday the 13th, someone stole my two cats... Need help gathering up a list of sites on the internet to post to.

I have posted to my local and semi local craigslist, reported it to the police, talked to all the vets in town and the 2-3 towns around my town.... Working on more fliers, ad going in the paper tomorrow (still have a couple more papers to hit up). I've spoke with the humane society (luckily my cousin works there), and some humane societies in other counties.
Here's some for ya:

Just curious... how did someone steal the cats?
I feel terrible for you. What do your cats look like? I know many don't agree with this but my cats come and go from my house to the outside. Sometimes they may be gone for a day or two and then they come back. Maybe they are just out on an "adventure" and will be back soon. I'm wishing you the very best of luck in finding your cats.
I have a shaded pen for them and they took them from it (or intentionally let them out). It was hot, so when they want to be out on a hot day, we put them in it with a tub of iced water to play in. They like to try and catch the ice cubes and make plopping noises. Knock the container over, swat the ice cubes around....

Pancake has returned (really shortly after changing one of my ads to include the police stations number and case#). But no Emily in tow. Her harness collar and tags were all gone. Now we're doubly worried about Emily, because she has no street smarts, and issues with lots of cat foods, hairballs if she's not brushed and given the hairball gel.
That really sucks! That's one reason I don't leave my dog outside by herself unsupervised. In my parent's neighborhood it isn't bad, but when I lived in an apartment I was always afraid someone would steal her or let her loose. She doesn't trust people so they'd have a hard time stealing her, but I still worried about it.

I wonder if you can make a pen now and be able to lock it.

I hope you find Emily..