Need some advice

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Apr 21, 2013
Hey everyone. New to the forums here :).

I have some questions regarding getting a Chinchilla. I've done some research and they seem like a perfect fit for me personally.

Here's my dilemma.

So I guess for starters, I was advised Chinchilla don't take well to change. I'm planning on moving to Toronto which is why I was told this. I'm not going to be moving for at least another 3 years though.

What would you do in this scenario? I'm pretty anxious to get one but if change does upset chins easily then I will wait for the benefit of the chin.


I'm in a very rural part of Ontario right now as well. From what I gathered there is no breeders anywhere near me. We only have 1 pet store. I've seen others recommend to get a chin from a breeder since chins can get bad habits being stuck in a pet store.

Since I am in such a small area, our local pet store (Penny's Pets - not a chain store lol) said they rarely have chins readily available. They explained to me that I would have to specially order a chin, put down a deposit and it would be only mine.

So, what should I do here? (if question 1 gets a pass haha). Should I wait for a breeder or does the pet store route sound reliable? The chin would be only mine, they said they'd keep her in the back room away from customers so I'm not worried about kids etc poking at her and the like. Also should I ask who supplies the store? Is there suppliers of chins I should avoid? etc.

If both those questions get a green light, I've read on here that the Ferret Nation 182 is the "chuck norris" of cages (I had to :p). I'm willing to spend (and wait until I can afford it) anything to make the chin as happy as possible.

Is this the correct cage?

I was told cages with plastic & paint can be both dangerous so I'm trying to steer clear of that. I just want to confirm that at least that Amazon cage is the Ferret Nation 182 like the one thread says. I can't really compare them since everyone's photos here is decked out with chin toys etc haha (I'm jealous).

That's my top three, hopefully *fingers crossed* my questions get the green light on this haha.

Thanks everyone!
Marcus, I didn't realize when you wrote to me that you weren't moving for three years yet. I wouldn't worry about getting a pet chin now and then moving them. I thought you meant within the month. You still may be able to find one through the wanted section here, maybe even from a rescue.

My biggest concern with you being rural is do you have a vet nearby that treats chinchillas? I see no problem with purchasing a chin from a pet store, but if you don't have vet care handy that is an issue.

The Ferret Nation or the Critter Nation is a favorite with pet folk. Either is okay, I'm not sure either is better than the other.
Whereabouts are you? I have known many people to move with chins so it really isn't a huge issue.

As Peggy mentioned, knowing a vet that is savvy with chins will be the main thing.

You can find supplies through an online store. Zoey and Lilo's Toybox is one. As for chins, I have many up for adoption.
traveled with chin

We drove my daughter and her 6 mo old chin from Boston to Ohio last fall. We kept her cage covered and my daughter talked to her on the way. She was fine, just a little quiet and nervous for a few days until she got used to her new home.
Marcus, I didn't realize when you wrote to me that you weren't moving for three years yet. I wouldn't worry about getting a pet chin now and then moving them. I thought you meant within the month. You still may be able to find one through the wanted section here, maybe even from a rescue.

My biggest concern with you being rural is do you have a vet nearby that treats chinchillas? I see no problem with purchasing a chin from a pet store, but if you don't have vet care handy that is an issue.

The Ferret Nation or the Critter Nation is a favorite with pet folk. Either is okay, I'm not sure either is better than the other.

Ya I'm sorry about that confusion there. I realized afterwards my email made it seem the move was going to be within months. I honestly do not know about the vet situation. I'm glad you brought that up as it did not cross my mind.

I know the city has many vets, I pass by a few of them on the way to my College but I'm not sure on the specialty. Would I be able to get an answer on that if I called local vet businesses? I know a few people here that have chins so I'm assuming someone in my city must care for them.

Another question I have. How vulnerable are chinchillas? I've read it seems that they are vigilant little guys but when they do get sick they run into trouble quickly. I really don't know, I've never owned one so a little help on that would be excellent.

I will definitely check the wanted section. If it helps, I'm really set on a baby, pure white female. I've already decided I'm calling her Blizzard (not because of the gaming company - even though its a happy coincident haha. I just love snow and blizzards. Must be a Canadian thing who knows).

I think I read one of your answers on yahoo about someone having troubles with the pet store chin being aggressive. I'm really! trying to avoid messing up and going with a pet store. Our store is locally owned and is just one business so I trust them but I've seen many people put pet stores down and I read a few horror stories on here about pet store chins :S

I have no clue what measures I should take if the pet store route is my only option.

Tagna, I live in Sault Ste Marie. If it helps, it's a city about 8 hours north of Toronto or GTA. It's around 80,000 people so there is a lot of business but for me I still find it very rural. You just so happen to live in my favorite city, Mississauga! That is my moving plans specifically.
Some pet store chins can be aggressive because they are mistreated by the pet store and the customers. That doesn't mean they can't be good pets, it will just take more work.

Chins are really healthy until they get sick. I know that sounds dumb, but it's the truth. I have chins that have never had a single issue their entire lives and I have had chins that developed pneumonia or pyometra and I lost them. The problem is, a chin will hide it's illness until it is almost too late (and it often is too late). They are the bottom of the food chain prey wise and so they need to hide any illness or injury in order to not be eaten in the wild. Domesticated chins are no different. Chins don't usually get a simple cold, they get pneumonia or at the very least an upper respiratory infection.
There are breeders in Michigan that might be closer to you. I'm not sure what the rules on transporting live animals across the border is at all though.
If your pet store is going to special order a chin for you, it will probably come from a breeder. They also might not have the option to order you a specific color or sex.
Good luck in your search, it sounds like you're off to a good start.
Been a long time since I have been up that north. I used to know a chin owner in that city. I'm pretty sure there was a vet that knew chins but you would need to check that out.

Another option is getting a chinchilla shipped to you.
Haha it sounds odd yes but I get what you mean Tunes. Unfortunate though. How do chins develop pneumonia anyway?

But I did some more research today. I went into my local pet store to see if there is any vets in the area that can care for a chin. They recommended me one local vet (can't remember his name, Ph.D that's all I know) that is apparently very trained in regular animals, reptiles, birds and exotic animals. They said he is the vet for all of their store animals as well.

So I decided I'm going to email the business later this week to confirm he can assist chinchilla's if needed. My pet store even recommended getting acquainted with him so in case there is a emergency, he will be able to help the chin quicker since he will have dealt with me before.

Seems like a good idea no?

And I'm not sure on the border Becky. They are pretty tight when it comes to live animals of any kind. I think it's more restricted to reptiles and amphibians but I'm not sure. However the store did say I can pay about $30 more for a specific color, age etc so I'm good to go with the specifics if need be.

Tagna. How does the shipping a chinchilla work? Is it a breeder that sends it directly to me or what? I have no clue how that runs haha.

Just wondering too. At a certain amount of posts or anything, does my posts not need to be approved by a mod? I'm just curious because I've never actually seen that before on forums. :)