need some advice

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proud mommy
Mar 13, 2013
I have had my Chichi for about 3 wks now. If I open her cage she will come right to me hop on my hand but then hop off. She is very sweet I can pet her and clean around her cage with no problem. I leave her bottom cage door open when it's okay time and she goes out on her own. She gets at least an hour out of her cage time. But she had full access to the chin proof living room. She love chasing the cat which is scared of her! It's not really a chase getting her back in get cage....all i do is shake her test box and she comes running. That's when I'm able to pick her up and hold her for a minute while she eats. Than she goes back in her cage. So yes that means she gets one treat every day. But some times I also have to chase her...and when I touch around her bottom she makes a funny noise. She doesn't act scared she had never bit and loves her head scratches and belly rubs I'm trying to make sure I'm doing everything right and she seems so happy but I just don't know :hmm:,
First off, I would definitely not have the cat anywhere around Chichi. Cats carry many bacteria that can be fatal to chins with a swipe of a claw. It only takes once, and it's happened many many times.

The noise is probably just her being bothered by you picking her up when she doesn't want you to. It doesn't seem abnormal to me by your description of the situation.
I didn't know about the cats but now I will make sure they locked up when she has her out time. I leaned in her cage today and she started licking me :)

Another question she was in a smaller cage when we got her and she was potty trained. Now that she is in a FN cage I put the box in the same spot it was in the other cage but she is peeing all over the bottom of the cage I made fleece to go over top the tray and I've tried wiping it up and putting it in the litter box but that didn't matter so I moved the box to a corner she seemed to be using and then she started peeing in the corner where the box was! Lol idk what to do I am about to make the whole right side a big litter box in hopes she will use it :( any ideas?
Definitely second the no cat/chin together'

I leaned in her cage today and she started licking me :)

Of all the pets Ive had over the years, nothing feel quite as strange as this lol. Which is ironic, because you almost cant feel it!

As for the litter training, you can keep trying and hope for the best. My girls are odd when it comes to that. When i used to litter the whole bottom, they would stick to specific corners only. So i got corner litter pans which they used, but after a while then they started using the tray its self! Now i have half+ the bottom covered again, and they will sometimes purposely use the tray! /grin
Hopefully yours arnt as finicky as mine!
it was really weird I could feel it she kept doing it for about 1 min and I didn't want to move. what does it mean?
well I hope it's affection! she does it everytime she sees me still working on the potty issue but I changed the type of litter so hopefully that works plus on whole side of the bottom of her cage is covered with litter boxs!!!