Need help with finding safe chew toys.

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Aug 28, 2013
Hey guys! I need help finding appropriate materials and/or chew toys for my chinchilla Gizmo. He is a year old and is very bouncy and active. I have been going to PetSmart and found recently there are a number of their pet products that are not safe for him. If anyone could please help me to find something safe or send me a list of what I can find in Kentucky that is safe for him that would be great! Also, I am on a tight budget so traveling far and expensive items are difficult for me to manage.

Have you checked out the forum's classifieds section? There are many sellers there, and also up at the top of the forum there are banners of stores you can order from. Just browse around and you'll find lots of safe items for Gizmo.