need help introducing these chins

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New member
May 15, 2013
Los Angeles
So, our first chin is a male and we've had him for almost a year now, and today at the pet store we saw a really sad female chinchilla and instead of thinking about it much first, we just wanted to rescue her right away. So we took her home with us and now we're here, trying to figure out what the heck to do about it. We let the male sniff her a bit but she was pretty shy and wasn't really sniffing him back. I think she had a hard time because there's a scar on her ear. We need some serious advice for where we should keep them, how we should introduce them, and any other helpful advice. He seemed to be a little mad about us bringing a new chin into the house after all of this time. He's pretty attached to us. I want to avoid him being aggressive toward her. I would really appreciate some advice.
Here's my advice - Please, do not breed pet store chins. Keep them in separate cages. No sniffing, no visiting, no play time - no interaction at all. Male + female = babies. In this case, babies with absolutely no known history of genetics.
We don't want to breed them though. Our male is actually neutered. We just want them for eachother's company. Any suggestions for introducing them?
It takes just a few seconds for chins to mate and make a litter of unwanted little babies that could result in a c-section or handfeeding babies every 2 hours for weeks and weeks, or other issues.

Like tunes said, please keep them in separate cages. They will do just fine living on their own in their own cages.