Need an advice on chin PLAYPENS

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2009
Washington DC area
I just bought this playpen for my chins on yesterday! Now they have a free shipping campaign. I should have waited one day and I would have got free shipping! :(
I bought two covers, top and bottom.

Currently, I am using this.

I loved it first, but my chins chewed and made wholes to escape. I had to buy three of them one after another. Right now, I am trying to seal a whole, but they always escape. That discourages me from letting them play...
So, I bought a new one online. I haven't received it yet.

I bought heavy big playpens with metal bars sometime ago, but the bars are too big and chins could go through.... I could really use info regarding good chin playpens.
I have one similar to the one you just bought, and I like it. The only thing I don't like is how small it is. It's hard to sit in there with the chins and they don't have a ton of room to run around. I like just letting them run around the bathroom better, but if you don't have that option it works well. And the cover helps keep them from jumping out.
I have the ware pop-up playpen and have used it for my 5 chins for over 16 months. My boys do not mess with it nor have escaped from it. There was a thread about a playpen that you could make out of large size cardboard and you can fold it up for storage, but it sounds like your chins are serious chewers so my suggestion would be the bathroom as well for playtime.
I have the same playpen you bought and I would definitely recommend getting an extention kit. Like Alli said.. its not really big enough to sit in with the chins without the extention. I'm even debating getting a second extention kit with the free shipping they are offering now.
i also have a similar playpen to what you purchased. i wanted the pop up but my sweetie surprised me with it and i felt bad returning it. the one i have has a little window that can slide up and i can put another one next to it and they can hop thru the hole OR i can have 2 individual playtimes OR i can connect them and make one big play area.

the one cage is a little small but until i make room, it will have to do. i personally do not sit inside with them but i did when i used the bathroom, so once i get the add on, i can get more face time with my little buddies.
Hi, I just received my new playpens yesterday.
I bought two covers, top and bottom.

Yes, I got a 11 panel-playpen, so it includes extention of 3 panes. I think that the small one has 8 panels.

Yesterday, I let my chins play in it for the first time, and they love it. It's much bigger than my old ones.

As I mentioned, my chewed threw three of my old playpens. I think that the new one will work :)

I used to let them play in my bathroom, but they chew walls and all. They discovered secret holes under the cabinet, and it did not work out.
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