Need advice on bringing home possibly pregnant chin

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
My fiance and I are adopting a third chinchilla (an 8-year-old female named Lucy), and are looking for tips on welcoming this chinchilla home.

Lucy had babies a few months ago and it was difficult for her; she lost a lot of weight. Unfortunately, she might have been bredback because the breeder didn't know she was pregnant in the first place. If she is pregnant, the breeder will help us with that.

Right now we have two males in a 3-level Ferret Nation cage. We also have a smaller cage, 17 inches by 24 inches, and four feet tall. Should we put Lucy in the smaller cage, or put her on the top level of the Ferret Nation?

Also, given Lucy's condition, should we give her a Chin Spin?
You will need bar spacing that is 1/2" x 1". Kits can squeeze through anything larger than that (they have escaped from FN's many times.)

If she is pregnant, she should not have a wheel or any ledges that she could jump off of and squish the babies. Most breeders keep their pregnant chins in a cage with nothing more than shavings and something to chew on. You could add a hidey house for her, heavy enough that she can not tip it over. To be safe, you will want to count 111 days from the last time she had kits. After that point, you are most likely safe and can then add more things to her cage.
Ah, okay. Good to know, thank you!

I am also worried that my two boys will smell her presence and start fighting. I have to keep all the chins in the same room due to my circumstances. Could this be a problem?
Mark 111 days from when she was last in with a male so you know her last possible due date. Be sure to keep her in a baby proof cage, very small wire spacing. Kits can fit out of the smallest spaces. I would keep ledges to a minimum. No wheels! Hiding homes are ok and all my breeders love them. Some males will fight when a femaleis introduced in to the house and some do not. It really depends on the males attitudes. Good luc!
Ah, okay. Good to know, thank you!

I am also worried that my two boys will smell her presence and start fighting. I have to keep all the chins in the same room due to my circumstances. Could this be a problem?

Many people keep males and females in the same room together with no problems. However, you will need to do a 30 day quarantine period where she is completely away from your other chins to make sure no one gets each other sick. There is also no guarantee that your males won't start fighting. Sometimes the slightest change can cause chins to turn on each's just something that happens and can't be predicted.