My two men are here - !!!

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Active member
Sep 9, 2011
North Carolina
Just picked up my mosiac who's about 2 yrs. old and 1 standard who is about 3 months old. I've decided to name them Cosmo and Cooper-:)
Cooper is nibbling a hay cube and Cosmo is looking around trying to get a feel for his new "pad" - lol! Pictures to come soon...:)

Thanks all, trying to attach a picture...having some trouble, I guess I need to brush up on posting...
I'll keep trying but if anyone could help me out-that'd be wonderful...thank you!
i use photobucket to attach images to my posts here. just make sure the image size isn't huge. i use the 640x480 size on photobucket, and then just click the 'image code' link and copy and paste it over to where you want the photo to show up in your post.
Awesome, I'll try that. Once I get back into the swing of things I'm sure that I'll go crazy with pictures!! Thank you for the help :thumbsup:
danilinn, i would take time to bond with Jones, and learn everything there is to being a chin mom, before adding another to your household. that's the route i took, and i'm very happy that i didn't dive in with multiple chins at the start, but waited until i'd had Rhino just over half a year before bringing Guss home yesterday :))
Guss?! This is the first i've heard of him! let's see him!
and yes, i think you're right--Jonesy has a feisty attitude--if she shoves me (this is her subtle tactic for trying to get out the front door of her cage and onto the floor), it's freakin' adorable, but another chin might well take off her other ear for that! (and right now, the only thing she's afraid of is that evil predator, the dehumidifier.)
we'll see how (if) her temperament changes as she grows up before even thinking about it.