My two girls are NOT two girls!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
Dirty South
As some of you know I recently acquired what I thought were two sisters from a family who had bought them from a breeder about an hour from here but due to financial difficulties could no longer keep them. One was a standard (which I've been wanting) and one a mosaic. Of course I said yes.

I get them home last weekend, and I'd already decided on a name for the standard: Sappho. Yet no matter what name I came up with for the other sister, nothing seemed to fit. I'd also noticed the mosaic one humping Sappho often each day. I read through the forums on here and determined it's most likely just dominance issues (since it'd never escalated from there), etc. But something I couldn't put my finger on still nagged at me.

Tonight, I was watching them bounce around (I've got them in a bottom section of an FN142 until we put the newly shipped one together), and get amused at how they both back up before they urinate. Well I noticed the mosaic "sister"'s last drop of urine looked milky. My first thought was something was wrong with her, my second thought was, "Was that semen mixed in there?" I also noticed as she bounched away a somewhat long piece of flesh hanging from her bottom end. At first I thought maybe it was just her cone. But it was hanging quite far, and her sister's never looks like that. I searched the forums again, and at first was relieved when most people answered that milky urine was common and started to shake off my worries. Then I decided to do some more investigating. I found the forum of how to sex your chins, and decided that was exactly the next thing I needed to do.

So I put their dust bath inside their cage, waited til they hopped in, and carried them into the bathroom. Once inside, I let them hop around a bit before I grabbed the mosaic girl. I turned her upside down, and sure enough, her genitalia matched the ones I saw in the forum pic. She was definitely a he. A little paranoid, I checked Sappho's anatomy, then them both again. Complete difference. By this time I'm starting to panic, because they're three and four months old (different moms), and I have no idea if they've mated. Sappho--from what I've observed--has never let him stay on her for more than half a second, she hates it. But I don't know what's gone on when I haven't been home.

I immediately separated them, putting the male mosaic in the travel cage they came in (which is plenty big, but is painted, so can't keep him in there long. I have put several toys and chew-blocks in there so he should be occupied until tomorrow.), and leaving Sappho in the bottom FN. I haven't put the new FN together yet because that requires my boyfriend's help, and he's been working a lot lately. But the main thing is now they're separated.

But God I am so pissed off! I've read on here how often missexing chins happens, but I thought when they came from a breeder that I'd be safe! Plus I purposely got girls cause I didn't want to have to deal with the butt rings. Of course I'll suck it up and deal with it. And it's not the little mosaic man's fault.

It's just so frustrating! First my FN142 comes in beat up to all ****, then this. I pray pray pray that Sappho isn't pregnant. Oh please don't let her be...I have NO clue about breeding/kits. Then while I was getting her brother's cage ready, the water bottle kept leaking, then it kept falling off. And I have to be up early. :banghead:

I'm definitely going to contact the breeder and let her know. That's just irresponsible judgement/actions in my opinion....particularly when the person you know they're going to is a brand-new chinchilla owner! :duh:

I have to say, though, it all makes sense now...the humping, none of the names fitting him. My gut was telling me something was off, I just had no idea what it was. :hair: :wacko:
First off, they're not "butt rings," they're hair rings that will be caught under his foreskin. Checking and removing them isn't that bad, especially if you have a second set of hands to help. There are instructions in the health and hygiene FAQ.

Secondly, these things happen. I'm not sure when females usually go into their first heat, but 12 weeks may be problematic. The experts will be along for that shortly. In the mean time, head to the breeding and babies FAQ and read around about what to look for and how to get prepared. While it sucks that you trusted someone that didn't know what they were talking about, the saying goes "there's no use crying over spilt milk".
That's why I my hubby has nicknamed me "p***er checker" ! I always do this before I pick up a rescue or any new addition to my all male crew.My vision isn't great for just a visual check,I want to see the pop up turkey timer!:laughitup:
Yeah, I have a little male too (5 mos) and I'm definitely not looking forward to hair ring checks. I have educated myself (Dawn has an excellent video on her youtube) and I don't think it will be too bad.

I agree to read the FAQ's to get yourself information on breeding/kits. I'm sure more experienced members here can offer some better advice..
That's why I my hubby has nicknamed me "p***er checker" ! I always do this before I pick up a rescue or any new addition to my all male crew.My vision isn't great for just a visual check,I want to see the pop up turkey timer!:laughitup:
Wow, I can see why he married you, must have been a fun first date :hilarious::hug2:
Actually we have known each other since first grade!We went to school together but never dated or anything.He married and had our lovely daughter then later divorced.I never dated/kissed or anything and I do mean ANYTHING until we met up(actually started with his Aunt/mother as his mom passed away while we were in elementary school recognized me in Walmart and introduced his daughter to me and the Good Lord took it from there)!I was 32yrs old.Just goes to show you "yes you can find anything in Walmart"!
Mark 115 days (gestation is typically 111 days but just to be sure) on your calendar. Hopefully it will pass and nothing will happen.
I was in the same boat as you with my first two. I got two boys from someone who claimed to be knowledgeable and wanting the best for her babies. A few days later I realized their anatomy looked nothing alike. They were around 3 months old at the time, and I was a little worried about pregnancy but it all turned out fine. I separated them, and a few months ago had my boy neutered so I will never have to worry about it again. The hair ring checks are no big deal.

I was really really mad too, but after the initial shock of the situation wore off, life went on and it turned out just fine anyway. As it turns out, I really like having a girl's cage to decorate with pink girly stuff, even though I had wanted boys! Good luck with your pair!
Ah I'm sorry, happened to me too. Only I was getting my second chin to be paired with my first, and I was told that the new chin was a male. Well four months later a few babies appeared in my cage... just be thankful that you can be prepared ahead of time, and hopefully she isn't pregnant! Good luck.
Hopefully she isnt pregnant but at least you will be prepared, she seems a little young but Im never suprised anymore.

With the cage your male is in, do you know what it was painted with? I have re painted cages with rustoleum(its none toxic). He should be ok as long as it was painted with nontoxic paint.

Keeping fingers and paws crossed for you!
Wow, I can see why he married you, must have been a fun first date :hilarious::hug2:
:hilarious: You two are a riot.

Thank you everyone. I am marking my calendar, VolunteerChin22. Though I've only had them a week, it seems like Sappho is eating a lot...quite a bit more than her brother. Also, he is generally a lot more active than her (jumping around the cage, etc.). I know that with chins' personalities/energy levels you never know, so none of that is necessarily indicative of pregnancy.

Another question (I've looked through the breeding/babies threads and didn't see this). The night I noticed my male's penis, I noticed it because it was protruding so far below his little body, I was shocked....:p I read somewhere that when the female goes in heat, the male responds accordingly with erections and humping. So when I saw his fully erect penis, does that mean Sappho is in heat?

It's been suggested I just suck it up. And I will, eventually. But I've had these chins barely a week, and I am new to the chinchilla world altogether. Plus after reading the many threads about dead kits and all the complications that can arise from pregnancy, I can't help but be nervous, period. Pardon me.

If Sappho ends up being pregnant, I will keep them (however many there may be) kids from this house are getting shoved out the door. BUT, hopefully that won't happen.
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She's not necessarily in heat right now, but the safest thing to do is assume. With them both being so young, it's a little hard to tell whose hormones are the issue (whether she's in heat or he's just realizing he's a boy). But they need a good mom who's smart enough to take great care of them (as well as having the common sense to know a penis when she sees one :thumbsup:), and luckily they got one the second time around. Here's hoping she's still too young for anything to have happened yet.
She's not necessarily in heat right now, but the safest thing to do is assume. With them both being so young, it's a little hard to tell whose hormones are the issue (whether she's in heat or he's just realizing he's a boy). But they need a good mom who's smart enough to take great care of them (as well as having the common sense to know a penis when she sees one :thumbsup:), and luckily they got one the second time around. Here's hoping she's still too young for anything to have happened yet.

Thanks Becky. When I emailed the breeder that my boy was in fact a boy, she acted very surprised and wondered how I found out, as "humping can just be a sign of dominance." Sigh. I definitely won't be recommending anyone to her, which is unfortunate, because she's the only breeder I know of around here.

The babies are staying separate. I am taking zero chances. This may sound paranoid, but is it ok for them to use the same dust bath (not at the same time of course)?