My rabbit is insane....

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This is a phrase that my fiance uses all too often. We do joke about the rabbit and how crazy he acts. We got him last August at a county fair (poor guy scared to death in a cage with other rabbits bouncing around him and people poking fingers at him). We named him Cygnus, after the constellation because he is all white except for some black markings on his face and some on his back that sort of resembled the constellation.
Around Christmas time we noticed he started acting very crazy. Running from one side of the cage to the other, dumping his food all over and water (what a mess!), and when I'd let him out to run, he wouldn't want to go back to his the point that he would charge me! He has never bitten me but certainly threatened it. The fiance says the rabbit has tried to bite him when he went to pet him. We noticed around this time he was...well...fully a man. We haven't had him fixed as we haven't really found a reason to yet. My mom, who has had rabbits before, says he is acting strange because of hormones and the season. I guess I'm wondering if there is advice or if we have to fix him. I have never heard of having to do this unless they spray urine (which he doesn't seem to at all). He is getting better with the charging at us, but I just am afraid to let him out to play now because of this behavior. Any advice?