My present for Christmas from my work is . . .

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI

OMG I can't believe it! Anyone who knows me knows reading is a huge part of my life! I've actually wanted a Kindle from Amazon forever, but I just can't justify spending that much money. Well problem solved! I came in today and sitting on my desk was the wrapped gift and a note from my boss to call her when I opened it. Apparently she peeked at what everyone got and when she found out that was my gift she was so happy because she knew I would flip--and I did! I honestly thought she must have arranged it but everyone drew a raffle number and that's what you got. I wasn't even at the big shindig at work today either as I was still sleeping lol!

Bruce, my wonderful coworker, got a Dell Inspiron Mini! He's elated!

Even though we are not getting raises again this year due to the economy, I think my work does a great job with these gifts and the celebrations they do have for us. Last Christmas we all got IPod Nano, so the E Reader is just like the most wonderful icing on the cake.

Not to be shallow--while it is so wonderful to give, today I'm thankful to be on the receiving end.

Oh and na-na-na-na Niki! I've got an e reader now too!!!!
My mom has a kindle and she loves it. Though, she realized the hard way not to read it while in the pool :rolleyes:

Enjoy it!

Oh and na-na-na-na Niki! I've got an e reader now too!!!!

LOL, congrats Laurie! Enjoy! Let me know how you like it, I'm thinking about getting Mike an E Reader for X-mas...he keeps stealing my Kindle.

So, where do you get the reading material for the Sony version? Is there a big selection of e-books? Share...
so she could read her co-worker a bedtime story as she goes off to sleep
lmao.... Hot frothy bedtime stories.

How exciting! Everyone I've talked to has preferred the Sony to the Kindle because they don't get asked to turn the Sony off on flights (no wireless).
Everyone I've talked to has preferred the Sony to the Kindle because they don't get asked to turn the Sony off on flights (no wireless).

The wireless feature on the Kindle can be turned off- on my version anyway.
YAY Laurie! That's awesome! You really deserve a great gift! I'm with essentia, I didn't get anything for christmas from work this year, nor do we get raises/ In fact, because I work night shift, I didn't go to the Christmas party, so I didn't get the meal there, and the shift before me(because they were working during the party) got gift cards to a local steak house, but, because we could have TECHNICALLY gone, we didn't get those either....Night shift kinda got ripped off this year. But, at least someone on night shift got a great gift!!! :) I hope you really enjoy your E Reader! You really deserve that!
You guys are so great! The thing about Nancy made me spit my soda out as I was reading it LOL! I actually figured out how to set up MYSELF! OMG I know I nearly had a heart attack! I've downloaded 3 books and believe it or not they are not all erotica! And Niki, Sony has an ereader store just like Amazon. They don't have as many books as Amazon does, however in my department they have a ton! I'm thinking of getting Andre Agassi's biography on there as well as Patrick Swayze's story and Michael J Fox just so I don't look like a horn dog!