My old girl...

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Jan 28, 2009
Mount Carmel, PA
Well, I noticed I haven't uploaded pics of my Lady in a while. I can't believe how old she's gotten! She was 2 when we got her in '05, she's now 6. Arthritis is starting to creep in on the poor gal, and her muzzle's gotten a bit greyer. She's getting crabbier lol especially when the cats jump at her, but she's still my loveable gal. So, here's some pics of her!

Sleepy gal


"Mommy rub my belly"


Flabby belly haha
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She's such a sweetie

She wanted the vitamin I was taking haha

An odd look

When I got my first camera...

And a funny shot of her when the area around our house had flooded when we used to live at the farm

It's sad to think she's getting up there in age. I really hope I get a good many more years out of her.

For any who're wondering, she's my very own Bassador, hehe. Or rather, a Labrador x Basset cross.
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I was wondering what she was. Very unique looking dog! She looks like a sweetie. You should medicate her arthritis if you can. My golden retriver, Honey, starting having problems with arthritis when she was about 7. We put her on meds and she had six more great years.
She's on a glucosamine supplement. I'll do whatever I can to keep her healthy and happy. She's my baby. I had to literally kidnap her when I got kicked out as my aunt wasn't going to let me take her to my mom's. We've had some interesting stories this girl and I... I didn't want to attach to her when she first came to the farm, but she made her way to my bed and since then, I was hooked.
Ahh she looks like a sweet girl. I do know what you mean. We have a sheltie that just turned 14. I cherish every day, and I have a soft spot for our older guys, be it dogs or chins.
Shes a cutie. I love the one of her in the water! My girl is almost 10. She's a collie/sheppard mix. I get so sad when I see it is starting to get harder for her to jump on my bed. she is literally at my feet at any given moment. This is one of my favorites of her.


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She is gorgeous. I understand how you feel about her getting old.. Chelseas about 12 and I can see her eyes getting blurry. Hard to think of not having them around. They become such a huge part of our lives.