My oddball cockatiel baby...

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<3 BIG and Blocky <3
Jan 30, 2009
North Carolina / Virginia Border
I've been breeding cockatiels for about 3 years now, and I've got a baby that I believe is an oddball. I'm pretty sure the baby is a lutino, but the parents are gray and neither of their parents were lutinos. I guess my babies were carriers and I didn't even know it, nor did the breeder I purchased them from. With over 30 babies I have raised from them, I've never seen anything but gray. I'm just really amazed and can't wait to see how it turns out. The siblings are all grays except this one, which is growing white feathers and has reddish eyes. I guess my male is a split lutino since lutinos are sex-linked recessive. I think this one is going to definitely be a keeper :)


This is what my grays look like (this is an old picture, but you get the point..)

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Hmm yeah there diffrent. lol there kinda scary looking with out the feathers
Aww there's them cute babies. Congrats =) I used to have a lutino I think, she was solid yellow with a bit of white and of course the orange cheeks. I wish I had a picture of her, but I had her when I was like...7-8 or something lol.
Yeah, she was definitely a lutino. I got her at the pet store. She was just awesome <3 I named her Baby. I was so sad when she died =\
Your cockatiel baby is adorable as well as your flock. My cockatiel, Lola, is sitting on my shoulder as I type. She tries to help me type as well. She also lets me know that I've typed too long by pecking on my face and neck - which she is doing now! More pics, please, as baby gets bigger and more feathers!
The chicks are so ugly but soooo cute!!!! I know zilch about birds so I have nothing else to offer.
I'm glad some of your think they're cute :)

They grow up so fast, and each day you see them change. From their eyes opening, to their feathers coming out - each day you watch to see how much of their feathers have grown. I love to hear them fuss for their mother to feed them. After 2-3 weeks or so, I begin to handfeed them so they're more friendly. It's a great experience, I just wish people enjoyed cockatiels as much as I do. I've sold quite a few but many people end up bringing them back to me because they can't get them to talk, or because they won't do tricks, which I think is utterly rediculous. It can take a bird years to learn and you have to know the proper way to teach them and take the time to do it. I always welcome my birds back here though, because I do realize that some people lose the essence of a new bird, which is sad.
Aww. I had a lutino and her name was Peaches. She didn't think she was a bird. LoL. She would chirp wildly when my dad came home. She knew the sound of his truck. One day we put her cage outside (like we always did on nice days) when we heard her screaming. We found an oppossum had grabbed her wing and was chewing on it through the cage. We took her to the emergency vet. After a long surgery, she did not make it through the night. She lived for 7 years. :cry3:

Seeing those makes me want to get another but don't think it'll ever be the same.
Poor baby. I don't know know what I'd do without my birds. They have such personalities. I also have quaker parrots, a jenday conure and parakeets. My father has a maluccan cockatoo. It would be way too quiet for me if I didn't have my birdies.