my new chin seems depressed?! :(

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New member
Nov 13, 2012
i just got my chin sunday,i love her. yesturday she was fine hopping around in her cage and everything and today she seems depressed,shes been in the corner most of the day with her head down,she ate perfectly fine last night and have been pooping fine that i know of. doesnt anyone have any ideas on what to do?! its so sad to see her like this.
Yesterday, she was checking out the new environment. Now that the novelty of it has worn off, she will need some time to get used to the changes that come with a new home. It can take days or even weeks for this to happen. I recommend that you spend a lot of time near the cage. While doing so, talk to her, read to her, even sign to her. this will help her get used to you voice and presence. Once she is comfortable, you can start by laying your hand and arm in the cage and letting her explore it. In the beginning, you will need to keep the hand and arm still. You can start moving it when she is comfortable, but with crawling all over your hand and arm.

This can take a few days or even weeks.
Ditto what the above said. Plus chinchillas are normally nocturnal. If her sleep pattern was messed up by being awake most of the day in her new environment, she'll need time to recover and go back to normal.
She will be sorta subdued the first few days till the new environment becomes 'hers'. Afterwards you will see more of her natural personality. Some chinchillas take a month to get used to you (usually if they are very tame to start with) and attached, others can take a lot longer. I'd also make sure she has some good hiding spots like a wood box house.

If you were worried about her being sick or something you can look for the other signs, runny eyes, dull wits, lethargy, no appetite. But every chin I have brought home has gone through a subdued phase for their first week.
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