My new chin.... jake's cage

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lol I can't stop spoiling my chinchillas! I bought my new 3 month old chin jake this cage today and I spent all afternoon and evening working on it.:hair: lol heres the cage. Obviously I took the plastic shelves out and put a lot of toys in there to and the shelves are close together, but I think it might be a bit to big for a chin his size :( I'll give him a few days to get use to it and see what happens, but tell me what you think of the cage. Pretty much all I did was put two small wood shelves (8.5 X 8) on each side near the bottom. Then I put a wood shelve on the right side that fit the width of the cage. Then nother shelve like the other two small ones on the other side then I shelve streched acrossed the back and another little one :) and of course some toys! Here it is.
I am actually a huge fan of that cage. One of the surrenders I took in was in that cage and it worked well for me. I would also say it's a bit large for a 3 month old chin, but if he's anything like my 5 month old he will get the hang of it rather quickly. You can also just add shelves towards the bottom if you don't want him going all the way to the top. I also put a hammock in the center just in case of a fall.