My girls

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Just wanted to share my two cuties, these were at their Holiday Program at the school.


The girls, Hailey, Andi and their friend Amaris ( respectively)


The girls and their friends!
Rosalinda, Hailey, Diana, Andi, and Victoria ( respectively)


Andi looking innocent and sweet... I call that her senator's wife look, lol


Hailey giving me her "pre-death look" it comes right before the "death look" how dare I bother her while she's looking for her friends!

They did wonderful and the program was actually better than usual. Unfortunately I'm disappointed with the music teacher, they never do any traditional songs ( ever, not just for the holidays ) and they are always singing to tape recordings and never "real" music... but I'm guessing that before long I'll probably see about getting them voice lessons. We all love to sing, I'm not a bad singer as long as it's not radio music usually, I'm more of a musical theatre type of voice, but I'm terribly stage shy, and I would love to get the girls past that so they can do things they want, I think especially Hailey would love to do community theatre! :thumbsup:
Thank you, I'm partial of course, lol.

I got both of their dresses from Herberger's for those who don't know what that is, it's an sister branch of Younkers and that group, anyway, clearance... 60% off... I LOVE that they always have great sales! They also have "fur stoles" for their tiny shoulder to keep them warm!
Your girls are both beautiful! I am guess that they look like you since I do not think that they have the same father, as far as I know from the conversations in the past. They are so precious. They look so happy!

I was in musicals in high school. I had horrible stage fright. I would get sick right before going on stage, but as soon as I was on the stage, it was gone. I got energized. I loved it! I miss it!
They do have different biological fathers. Funny you said that because Hailey's dad called and talked to her a couple days ago.. funny two weeks ago he was willing to sign off custody then he randomly calls to talk to her... and it just happened to be in the late evening on a day when his girlfriend is at work... weird. Jerk.
Jerk is right! But they look have their mom's looks then huh? They look so much alike. I love Andi's smile. The time when their teeth are growing in always makes me laugh. I love it! And I love their beautiful dresses.
Beautiful girls and dresses! I've been considering dying my hair the same color as Andi's for some time now. I just love it!

My daughter has been taking singing lessons and doing plays since kindergarten. So far at 14 they've helped her stay out of teenage trouble. For fun she and her friends when Christmas caroling. I highly recommend singing/theatre/dance for everyone's daughters.
In the summer the ends get really blond, she just got a hair cut and all the really blond went, she gets tons of compliments on her hair color, I hope she never hates her "red" hair!