My First Chin Injury- Proper First Aid

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Hendryx Chinchillas
Jun 12, 2010
Cincinnati Area
One of my females that looked about to bust gave birth to triplet girls this afternoon. This is not only my first set of triplets but my first chin injury. Either mom or one of her sisters chewed one of the female kits front paw off. It is not bleeding but there is a raw looking stump. I have cleaned it thoroughly with soap and water and blu koted it. In addition, I am trying to foster this little girl to another female with one young kit as the 3 babies were already fighting. Does anyone have any advice for first aid beyond what I have already done? I am assuming that a vet visit would be a waste at this point since she is too young to be put on antibiotics. Thanks for any advice.
If you're worried about it, Blu-kote or chlorhexidine should work to keep it from getting infected - every 6 hours or so. We had a mom chew off a kits leg and never did anything with it and it healed beautifully. They can be very resilient!
I'd say most important thing would be to keep her stress-free and get some good milk in her. I'd leave her with her real mom to get colostrum antibodies and switch out a different kit.
Thanks Alicyn. I had planned to foster the injured kit out but what you say makes sense now that I am thinking a little clearer. Also, after going down and checking on mom and the other two I would say that the biggest of the three kits is a bit of a bully. I have seen her chasing and biting the other one a couple of times now. Possibly she is the one who needs to be removed from mom???

I wouldn't think that milk production is a problem as this mom has had several litters of twins without any issue whatsoever.
Alicyn, when you use blu kote do you wash and dry the wound daily in addition to the blu kote or just re-apply the blu kote several times a day? I want to cause as little stress as possible but also want to try to prevent infection.
I haven't used blu-kote very often, but I'd say if the wound looks good, just spray it on, if it's not looking so hot then wash and dry it, then spray it on.
Well as a nurse that sounds easy enough but once you use the blu kote it kind a camouflages everything - kind of hard to tell if somthing is red and inflamed when it is a foreign purple/blue color! :)
It very likely happened during delivery. I am in agreement as long as it is clean I put bluekote on and keep a close eye.
It most often works out best if you move the largest kit to a foster, they are stronger and more apt to adapt to the change.
Well as a nurse that sounds easy enough but once you use the blu kote it kind a camouflages everything - kind of hard to tell if somthing is red and inflamed when it is a foreign purple/blue color! :)

Oh alright, well if it's oozing pus and swelling like a balloon then the blu-kote ain't gonna cover that up! :tease:

Hope everything goes smoothly with her!
We just blu-kote injuries and leave it be. Mothers normally take care of the rest.

Memphis was born with a partially detached paw. I blu-koted the bottom of the paw and left it for the mom to take care of. Every day, Trinity seemed to chew another toe off of his paw as I could see when I went down to check on him. There was a bit of redness and swelling, but never any ooze. Eventually, he was left toeless and it healed on it's own. He never had a problem with it.




Thanks everyone - with it being my first birth injury I am just second guessing everything I do. Right now I have the big bully sister with a mom whose kits I just weaned today (who knew) so hopefully that will go okay.

"Nubbin" is nursing with her birth mother and sister as we speak. All 3 kits were pretty close in size, 53gm, 50 gm and 48 gm with "Nubbin" being the middle weight. The "bully" was the biggest one. Hopefully all of the drama is over for tonight.

BTW, Tiffany - Memphis is beautiful!!!
Sorry to hear that Tiff.

I just blu koted her again and she is hopping around as if it is completely normal to be missing part of an arm! It appears they are all nursing as is so will probably leave them where they are for now and check on them a couple of times throughout the night.
Sounds like the kit is doing well and you have attended to the injury very well. I had an injury just like that to a kit. He had no problem healing and grew up to be normal in every way. You would have never known he was missing a paw.
Good morning everyone. All of the kits are alive and well this morning. I tried fostering the largest one to two different females throughout the night and this morning. Depsite my best attempts to foster and disguise her smell- neither female wanted anything to do with her as she is a feisty little thing and keeps biting them. She goes for just about anything...nipple, face, back, tail... One mom just kept spraying her with urine until she was soaked and the other mom kept running from her. I handfed her a couple of times and have put her back with mother and siblings. After a couple of squabbles they have settled down and are all nursing.

The little one with her paw chewed off is doing well and getting along fine although she now looks like a splotchy violet (I have always wanted a violet but don't want to deal with this mutation - never though about dying one with blu kote)!

Anyway - just thought that I would post an update.