My euthanasia dilemma with bongo

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I love my chinchildren!
Dec 12, 2012
Hi guys. So I posted a while ago about a chinchilla I rescued that was in not so great of shape, he has a hunchback and is drooling. Well I took him to the vet today and she found that his teeth were poking a few parts of his mouth, and she also found a warty looking growth in his mouth which she removed. She also clipped his teeth down. She said he would need to come in ever 6 weeks to have his teeth clipped and that it was likely the growth would grow back. I am having a hard time with this because I don't know if it is worth putting him under every 6-8 weeks and possibly having him in pain between visits. She said euthanasia was an option but we should wait til his next check up and see how he is doing. I am wondering what people who have chin dental issue experience have to say, I just want to do what is best for him.

Also she prescribed baytril and meloxicam for him.
There are some chins that just need a trim or two and seem to come out of tooth problems without too much of an issue. Those are usually chins that just have a strange spur and not really messed up teeth. With this guy there may be a chance that he could make it through and get better, but the odds are not in his favor. It will get to be a quality of life issue with the chin, most likely. I'd try two filings and see if there is improvement. At that point, it may be necessary to make the decision to go ahead and put the chin down if there is no improvement or the chin is even worse. Now, it is possible that the teeth will grind properly and the chin will get much better, but that isn't usually the case.

I had a chin with an infection that I took to the vet for a year and a half every six weeks. I didn't think he would make it, the vet didn't think he would do that well, but there were a couple molars that needed to be removed and he did make a full recovery. That isn't exactly the normal outcome, but I am glad that I kept trying with him. :)