My dogs...

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Here are some pics of my dogs. Claire is the golden, Charlie the corgi, Sabrina the poodle and Russell the wirehaired dachshund.





What great pictures of your dogs! You have your hands full, don't you?! I love their close ups. My dog sees a camera and tries to run and hide. Your guys aren't camera shy at all and look great for the camera.
they are very pretty!!! Their coats are so shiney!!
I remember that picture of Russell from CnQ. I love the mid-stride action! :)
They are cute, I love the corgi...and i have to admit, the doxie is kinda cute...I always thought the wired-haired were ugly, but he's cute!
Those are some great face shots- such pretty puppies! Thank you for sharing!
Cute dogs, your dachshund is a cutie, looks like a terrier to me when he is running LOL. I love the close-ups!
My my my! What beautiful animals you have. They do seem rather photogenic! :thumbsup:
I LOVE your dogs, Michelle...Lola my dog is quite camera shy. :( Macy my chin is awfully camera shy...Depends on what time of the day you get them at too, haha.