My Diamond Dove.

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i recently got a diamond dove, and he is just the cutest thing! :)

i'll post some pictures later.

but, i am a little worried about something.

he seems to be pacing. a lot.

im not quite the bird expert; can anyone help me with this?
I love diamond doves! they are so pretty. I have always wanted one, but I really don't have the time/room for one.Can't wait to see a pic!
well, when i got him, i only had enough money in my bank account to get the bare necessities.

he has a pretty nice sized cage, variety or perches, cuttle bone, water bowl, food bowl.

a few breeders have told me that the diamond doves are usually unintersted in toys, but they LOVE swings. i just got paid yesterday (yay) so hopefully i will be going this weekend and buying him a swing and maybe a few other things.

oh and he still needs a name, so any suggestions are welcome. :)
my mom just calls him NoName'. (no-nom-aye). she thinks she's clever.
I wonder if the little guy is lonely or stressed getting used to his new surroundings. I have pigeons and ring neck doves and they pace when they are stressed or know it's time to come out of the cage. However diamond doves may be different. There is a good board called Pigeon Talk and they know lots about most pigeons and doves. I bet they could answer your questions.

Also I've found that almost any bird likes the top of their cage covered because it makes them feel safe from birds of prey. We usually keep the tops and one side of the cage covered so they feel safe. Hope that helps.