my chins penis is very very swollen help.

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New member
Oct 22, 2012
I have a chin hes 6 months old. ever since i bout him about 3 months a go hes had health problems and been in and out the vets. he started off with a cold so had a snotty nose and sneezing all the time. he's been to the vets twice for this and has had 2 different types of anti biotic s for it. he is now underweight and has been given powder food to mix with water to help him put weight back on. which is happening very slowly.

I let him out last nite an noticed his willy was quite swollen and he has yellow stained fur :( he would let u touch it but u could see he wasn't comfortable. this morning its even worst its almost purple. poor little guy.

i called the vets and they said theres nothing they can do as they only have basic knowledge of chills.

ive search the internet and you tube. it doesn't look like he has a hair ring and to be honest his little fella is so swollen i don't want to keep aggravating it by touching it.
please any advise would be great.
Poor little chinny - he needs to see a chinchilla competent vet asap.

Whereabouts in the UK are you based?
Poor little guy...I hope that you are able to find a competent vet in your area. If all else fails I would attempt the ring check as a last resort. I know it is going to be uncomfortable but...
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I would do a hair ring check immediately. Make sure you extend the penis out fully, you may need an extra pair of hands, use good light and look very closely ( use a magnifying glass if needed), there may be one thin long hair that is causing a problem so it may not look like a full fur ring.

Using a water based lubricant ( like KY Jelly or vetlube) can help get the penis back inside of the sheath. The long is it is out, the worse off he will be, so you want to try to get it returned into the sheath if possible. He is uncomfortable and you might not make a friend with this, but it is for his health.
he have just tried looking for any hair and there was nothing at all there and he wasnt overly bothered. although there was a small puss like white slime right at the very base of his penis. it seamed that it was the sheath was the swollen not his actuall penis.
You need to do the check now. If you do not find a hair ring, you need to get him to the vet ASAP. This could be very serious. If the blood flow is being cut off by the ring, it could do permanent damage to the little guy's penis. If it is a stone or infection, it needs immediate vet attention.
yerp ive just checked hes all clear off any chairs. what would cause a kidney infection or stones as my other to are completely fine but done want them gettin ill.
Malo chins have a problem like you describe, they cannot clean the penis and what you are seeing is semen, when the semen dries it can dry on the tip and plug off the urine flow, it can become a hard lump and irritate the sheath, it can become sticky and the penis will get trapped in the fur-these chins need frequent cleaning of the penis and sheath. I would get this chin to a vet how knows chins and get the diagnosis as to what the actual issue is. Claire D belongs to a UK forum that the link is at the bottom of her signature and join there to ask about vets.