My chins is destroying the hay rack

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20 Jan 2010


Mid of May 2010


The end of May 2010


Beginning of June 2010

I have bought her a new one already. My girl is very picky, it's quite difficult to find something that she like to chew on, the wooden house in her cage can be used up to more than 8 years and because she didn't like to chew on it, most chinchilla loves to chew and the owner can buy many wood for their chins, everytime I wanna to shop some toys for her but I know she would probably ignore the toy, no mood to buy for her:cry3:
A holder made out of that stuff is bound to get chewed on and destroyed. But I like your before and after photos!
Some chins just don't like to chew on certain stuff, I suppose. It just so happens that the hay holder you bought her IS something she'll chew on.
Have you tried pumice? Or other types of wood rather than just the typical hard kind that's used for the playhouses?
She has interests on the bark of red willow and 1 brand's apple stick. She's picky on hay, too, only eats APD's hay. She doesn't like Oxbow's hay, but she does love the hay toys of Oxbow, she loves the hay which is used to make the hay toy.

She destroyed the 1st pumice stone I gave her and ignored the 2nd one=.=
I love the pictures! That's a cool hay rack, I really like it except for the fact that it would be nommed within a week.