New member
I used to have chinchillas years ago and my husband surprised me with one the other day. I have had for a couple days and I have been giving him time to warm up so I haven't really gotten him out of his cage or anything. Yesterday was the first time he let me pet him in his cage. I guess the person who had him before left his dust house in his cage because he was sleeping in it when he got here and he had soiled most of the dust in the bath. I took the dust bath out of the house and gave him an igloo to sleep in. I gave him a dust bath last night and tonight I noticed some fur in the dust... It wasn't that much hair I'm just wondering if its normal for them to shed some of their fur.... he has fresh water, food and hay.... Is this something I need to be worried about. Also how often should he take a dust bath?! From what I have read it says twice a week but the dust says everyday?!