My Chinny is having Seizures...

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New member
Feb 6, 2015
So out of nowhere today, my 9 year old chinchilla started having seizures, or at least I think they're seizures. They happen when she tries to jump, she kinda falls onto her back and her legs start twitching and she rolls around. Initially she was fine, alert, hungry but after a few she's become lethargic and is just sleeping right now. I can't take her to a vet until Monday at the earliest, so that's not an option right now.

Does anybody know what's going on, or what I can/should do to help her?

Or she may have had a stroke or something that would cause her leg(s) to be paralyzed. She only seizes when she tries to jump to me or onto her shelf. She hasn't screamed or made any noise or anything. I've moved away from the cage so she would stop trying to come to me and I'm still monitoring it.
If she were my chin I wouldn't wait until Monday to bring her to the vet, from the sounds of it she need to see a vet now, something is clearly wrong. She could have had a seizure, a stroke, pinched a nerve in her back by jumping just wrong. The paralysis could very well be an issue with nerve damage or slipped disk, meaning waiting could cause permanent damage and could very well be in a lot of pain right now. That would explain the getting worse after trying to jump, pain and swelling increased after movement.

The best advice is to take her to the vet NOW not after the weekend. I understand that the local vet may not be open until Monday (or whatever the reason is) but there should be an emergency vet around somewhere even if you have to drive a distance.
Unfortunately my car is in the shop until Monday, so I have no way to take her anywhere.

Psuedo Update: She hasn't done anything scary for a while and seems to be completely fine. She's jumping around her cage, biting everything possible, eating, drinking, and looking to come out for play time. She even ate hay (which she HATES) just because ???
she still needs to go to the vet. as soon as possible. what if your car takes another day? or two? the chinnie cant wait until then.

i have a chin with seizures, so i've been where you are. i think the best thing you can do is to take a video of it happening so you can show the vet exactly what is going on. IF NOTHING ELSE, you can send the video to your vet so they can give you over the phone advice. but you really really REALLY need to get her to the vet as soon as you can. call a friend, call a taxi!!! there are ways to get it done.