My chinchilla was barking for about an hour. ???

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
I went to the sticky and listened to all the sounds from this link:

I saved the sounds and was playing them pack to my chins last night, seeing if I could evoke a responce. The only thing they did was stop what they were doing, and just listen. I also noticed thier ears lowered as well. I was hoping to hear them 'talk; back. Nothing.:tantrum:

That night at 3am, I awoke from a dead sleep because one of my chins was BARKING so loud I thought it was the chihuahua. I threw the pillow over my head and tried to ignore it. He would bark about 6-8 times and stop for about what seemed like 10-15 minutes (I was half asleep so I cant be sure, but I did look at my cell phone and noticed the time).

At 4am, I finally got up :banghead:, turned the light on and went to the cage. Quiet. Nothing. Just the 'evil eye'. :impatient: I looked them over, no one was hurt or injured.

I called my wife, who works third shift to whine :tantrum: then went back to bed.

If I read the description on the web site, a bark (and it was DEFINATELY a bark, in fact it was identicle to the sound clip in that I thought it was the computer playing it somehow) means warning or alarm.

Whats up? Did I start something I'm going to regret? They can't confuse this bark and use it as a 'communication' sound or something, can they? Or do I have a 'barker' now? :hilarious:
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Hard telling. Sometimes chins just bark for no reason, because they heard something off in the distance, because the sock that was on the floor yesterday got moved a couple of inches to the left. :rolleyes:
oh my! What did you do?! You must have ticked them off! LOL, just kiddin. Hopefully it was a one time thing and you get some sleep next time....
The only time I notice a lot of barking is when one of the cats has sat down in front of the cage to watch the chin show, they haven't done that in months now.
Sometimes they bark for the silliest reasons. I fell asleep on the couch the other night and was woken by my chin barking. Her cage is next to my bed. She was not too thrilled that I was not in it at 3am. I personally think Shelly barks just to see how fast I will jump up and go to her cage.