My chin isn't very loud at night?

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New member
Feb 20, 2011
I have only had my Suki for 2 days now,but so far she hasn't seemed too active during the night. I myself stay up pretty late (2,3AM),and have been letting her roam around my room with me before I go to bed. At first when I put her in her cage she acts like she is trying to chew through the bars,and seems quite angry and stressed. But now as i'm writing this,she's being very quiet. She has toys and her little house,and plenty of room to run and jump. I'm just wondering if some chins are less nocturnal than others? Maybe she is lonely? She was in a cage with another chinchilla before I got her. I just want to make sure she is okay and doesn't hate her new life with me :hmm:
I have 3 chins in 2 cages. Zipper is alone (doesn't do well with others) and he just has active spurts day and night. Most times he's just sleeping or lounging about. Where as Ezio and Altair! Wow, especially Ezio. I know he sleeps hard. He loves running and jumping around and does it almost constantly from about 5 pm til about 7 am. Altair runs about more at night but he likes chewing on toys more than running about.

Each chin has different personalities. Altair is also a talker, he's chatting us up all the time. But my other two rarely make a peep. It's all in the personality
she may still be a bit scared and getting used to her new environment, and sitting still and not making any noise is a prey animal's way of not being noticed - don't move, don't get eaten! lol.

she may also be one of those chins that is acclimated to day time hours. it is possible, i've read, and i think i will try this with my foster guy when he gets here, by putting him in the living room where there is a little more daytime activity and light than in my bedroom.
I think Chinnymom is on the right track. Not too many chins are totaly comfortable and acclimated after two days. It can take a little time for them to get situated. I brought in a new breeding pair a few weeks ago that took a are still getting settled in. On the other hand I bought a kit for my wife last month and he never missed a beat.